Pathways 3 : Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking / Mari Vargo and Laurie Blass.
By: Vargo, Mari.
Contributor(s): Blass, Laurie.
Series: Pathways. Publisher: Boston : National Geographic Learning, 2013Edition: 1st ed.Description: xvi, 256 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN: 9781133317104 (Student's Book); 9781133317095 (Teacher's Guide).Other title: Pathways three.Subject(s): English language -- Rhetoric -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | English language -- Writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Reading comprehension -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Critical thinking -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | English language -- Writing | Reading comprehension | B2 (CEFR) | High-intermediateGenre/Form: Handbooks and manuals.Online resources: Publisher's Website. | Student Companion Site.Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Copy number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
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Includes index.
"Pathways is National Geographic Learning's new five-level academic skills series that features reading & writing and listening & speaking strands to help learners develop the language skills needed to achieve academic success. Learners develop academic literacy skills through content, images and video from National Geographic. This innovative series provides learners with a pathway to success!
With Pathways learners:
DEVELOP academic literacy skills
CONNECT to the real world through content from National Geographic
ACHIEVE academic success
National Geographic articles, video, maps, and graphs engage students with academic content in a variety of genres and formats.
Clear connections between reading and writing skills help students become more effective readers and writers.
Academic reading skills and strategies, embedded in the unit tasks, prepare students to comprehend a variety of realistic academic texts.
Step-by-step writing instruction, with integrated grammar and vocabulary, provides practice of a variety of rhetorical forms modeled on the academic classroom.
Integrated critical thinking tasks develop learners’ ability to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information from a wide range of sources." (Book Cover)
Academic Track: Interdisciplinary
Lesson A: Identifying main and supporting ideas - Evaluating supporting arguments
Lesson B: Understanding related science news reports
Lesson C: Reviewing paragraph writing - Writing a comparison paragraph
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: pre- - Word Partners: cooperate
READING: Responding to text and photos - Skimming to make predictions - Identifying main ideas and key details - Identifying supporting ideas - Identifying meaning from context - Skill Focus: Identifying main and supporting ideas
WRITING: Goal: Writing about similarities and differences - Language: Making comparisons - Skill: Reviewing paragraph writing
VIEWING: Video: Elephant Orphans - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Analyzing a text to identify function - Synthesizing information to identify similarities - Relating ideas to personal experience - CT Focus: Evaluating supporting arguments
Academic Track: History/Life Science
Lesson A: Identifying a sequence of events - Distinguishing fact from speculation
Lesson B: Understanding a personal narrative/opinion article
Lesson C: Planning and writing an opinion paragraph
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: extra-, com-/con-
READING: Responding to text and photos - Skimming to make predictions - Identifying main ideas and supporting details - Sequencing historical events - Skill Focus: Identifying a sequence of historical events
WRITING: Goal: Writing an opinion paragraph about research - Language: Review of modals of obligation and possibility - Skill: Writing an opinion paragraph
VIEWING: Video: Columbus DNA - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Interpreting evidence - Inferring attitude - Synthesizing information to make comparisons - Analyzing a text to identify sentence types - CT Focus: Distinguishing fact from speculation
Academic Track: Sociology
Lesson A: Identifying reasons - Evaluating sources
Lesson B: Reading an interview
Lesson C: Writing a thesis statement - Writing a descriptive paragraph
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Partners: income, majority
READING: Identifying supporting details - Skimming to make predictions - Identifying supporting details and reasons - Identifying meaning from context - Interpreting maps - Skill Focus: Identifying reasons
WRITING: Goal: Writing a descriptive paragraph about a city - Language: Using the simple past and used to - Skill: Writing a thesis statement
VIEWING: Video: Solar Solutions - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information and justifying an opinion - Relating ideas to personal experience - CT Focus: Evaluating sources
Academic Track: Earth Science
Lesson A: Organizing your notes - Analyzing and evaluating evidence
Lesson B: Interpreting information in a multimodal text
Lesson C: Writing an introductory paragraph - Writing opinion paragraphs
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: vict/vinc - Word Partners: tend (to)
READING: Interpreting map and textual information - Understanding infographics - Identifying main ideas - Using titles and visuals to make predictions - Scanning for key details - Understanding a process - Identifying supporting ideas and reasons - Skill Focus: Organizing your notes
WRITING: Goal: Writing opinion paragraphs with recommendations - Language: Using parallel structure - Skill: Writing an introductory paragraph
VIEWING: Video: Hurricanes - Viewing to confirm predictions - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information from multiple sources - Interpreting infographics to understand a process - CT Focus: Analyzing and evaluating evidence
Academic Track: Economics/Business
Lesson A: Analyzing causes and effects - Analyzing a writer's argument
Lesson B: Reading related travel news reports
Lesson C: Writing well-developed body paragraphs - Writing a short cause-effect essay
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: mot, dom/domin
READING: Interpreting map and charts - Identifying main ideas and supporting details - Predicting the content of a reading - Identifying meaning from context - Skill Focus: Analyzing causes and effects
WRITING: Goal: Writing a short essay about geotourism - Language: Using If... (then)... - Skill: Writing well-developed body paragraphs
VIEWING: Video: Galapagos Tourism - Viewing to confirm predictions - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information from multiple sources - Relating ideas to personal experience - Making inferences - CT Focus: Analyzing a writer's argument
Academic Track: Literature/Humanities
Lesson A: Understanding referencing and cohesion - Understanding figurative languages
Lesson B: Interpreting a travel narrative and a novel extract
Lesson C: Writing a concluding paragraph - Writing an explanatory essay
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: vid/vis, migr-
READING: Responding to text and photos - Using captions and visuals to make predictions - Identifying main ideas - Identifying supporting details - Understanding similes - Identifying meaning from context - Identifying events to complete a timeline - Skill Focus: Understanding referencing and cohesion
WRITING: Goal: Writing an explanatory essay about literature - Language: Adding information with appositive phrases - Skill: Writing a concluding paragraph
VIEWING: Video: Rock Artists of Australia - Viewing to confirm predictions - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Making inferences - Personalizing information in a reading - Identifying similes - CT Focus: Understanding figurative language
Academic Track: Interdisciplinary
Lesson A: Interpreting visual information - Inferring a writer's tone and purpose
Lesson B: Understanding an environmental report
Lesson C: Using an outline to plan an essay - Writing a persuasive essay
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Using new vocabulary in everyday context - Word Partners: intensive, negative
READING: Understanding infographics - Identifying key details - Using titles and visuals to make predictions - Identifying meaning from context - Identifying main ideas - Skill Focus: Interpreting visual information
WRITING: Goal: Writing a persuasive essay - Language: Using adjective clauses to add information - Skill: Using an outline to plan an essay
VIEWING: Video: The Greendex - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information from multiple sources - Personalizing information in a reading - Justifying an opinion - CT Focus: Inferring a writer's tone and purpose
Academic Track: Health/Medicine
Lesson A: Finding subjects in complex sentences - Making inferences
Lesson B: Understanding an article on technology
Lesson C: Researching information for an essay - Writing a research-based essay
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Applying vocabulary in a personalized context - Word Link: trans-; labor - Word Partners: procedure
READING: Understanding information in a timeline - Identifying supporting details - Identifying meaning from context - Identifying main ideas - Skimming to make predictions - Using visual and textual clues to make predictions - Understanding referencing - Skill Focus: Finding subjects in complex sentences
WRITING: Goal: Writing a research-based essay about an innovator - Language: Referring to sources using quotes and paraphrases - Skill: Researching information for an essay
VIEWING: Video: Healthcare Innovator - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information from multiple sources - Relating ideas to personal experience - Inferring a writer's audience - Inferring the purpose of an anecdote - CT Focus: Making inferences
Academic Track: Anthropology/Linguistics
Lesson A: Understanding degrees of certainty - Considering counterarguments
Lesson B: Understanding a persuasive text
Lesson C: Using a graphic organizer to plan an essay - Writing an argument essay
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Matching words with definitions - Using new vocabulary in everyday context - Word Link: lingu - Word Partners: attitude
READING: Identifying supporting details - Identifying meaning from context - Identifying main ideas - Interpreting maps and charts - Interpreting visual information - Skill Focus: Understanding degrees of certainty
WRITING: Goal: Writing a persuasive essay about language - Language: Using words and phrases for presenting counterarguments - Skill: Using a graphic organizer to plan an essay
VIEWING: Video: Enduring Voices - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information - Using Prior Knowledge
CRITICAL THINKING: Synthesizing information from multiple sources - Applying information to own experience - Understanding predictors - CT Focus: Considering counterarguments
Academic Track: Psychology
Lesson A: Identifying adverbial phrases - Inferring a writer's purpose
Lesson B: Understanding a factual text and personal narrative
Lesson C: Planning and writing a descriptive narrative
VOCABULARY: Understanding meaning from context - Using new vocabulary in everyday context - Brainstorming words to describe emotions - Word Link: sci - Word Partners: reaction
READING: Identifying meaning from context - Identifying key details - Responding to text and photos - Using visual and textual clues to make predictions - Identifying main ideas of paragraphs - Organizing information in a Venn diagram - Skill Focus: Identifying adverbial phrases
WRITING: Goal: Writing a descriptive narrative essay to describe a real-life event - Language: Using past forms for narration - Skill: Planning a descriptive narrative
VIEWING: Video: Survival Lessons - Viewing to confirm predictions - Relating video content to a reading text - Viewing for general understanding and specific information
CRITICAL THINKING: Classifying information using a graphic organizer - Synthesizing information to make judgments - CT Focus: Inferring the purpose of stories and anecdotes
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