Gates, Bill 1955-

The Road Ahead / Bill Gates with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson; retold by Donald Domonkos. - Simplified ed. - Harlow : Pearson Education Ltd, 2008. - 43 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. + 1 CD. - Penguin Readers Penguin Readers (Level 3) .

Includes reading activities.

''Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, started Microsoft in 1975 with a friend when he was only 19 years old. Twenty years later he wrote this book about the future of computers and the Internet. Read the ideas and dreams of a man who has changed the world.'' (Book Cover) CONTENTS: Special words you will meet in this book Ch.1 The First Part of the Road Ch.2 The Beginnings Ch.3 Some Things Computers Can Do for Us Ch.4 Changes in Information Systems Ch.5 The World of Business Ch.7 Education if the Future Ch.8 A Home for the Future Ch.9 The Internet ''Gold Rush'' Ch.10 Moving into the Information Age Activities

9781405876902 (pbk)

Graded Readers.
Bill Gates.--Biography.
A2 (CEFR).

Graded Readers.