TY - GEN AU - Brown, Patrick TI - The Write Angle: English Skills for College Students SN - 9782761716536 (Student book) PY - 2000/// CY - Anjou PB - Éditions CEC KW - English language KW - Textbooks for foreign speakers KW - Composition and exercises KW - Grammar KW - Problems, exercises, etc KW - Audio-visual aids KW - Integrated skills KW - Composition N1 - ''The Write Angle, English Skills for College Students is designed for use with high-intermediate students of English as a second language. The book provides material to build and develop reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills, as well as a full review of grammar.'' (Book Cover); TABLE OF CONTENTS; Unit 1 - Get Smart; Reading: Is Intelligence What Counts in Life?; Listening: The EQ Inventory (video); Reading: How to Make a Better Student - Seven Kinds of Smart; Listening: An Interview with Marguerite Kopiec (audio); Speaking: An MI Inventory; Writing: A Process; Unit 2 - Lifestyles; Reading: Old Coots, Squeegeeists and Students; Listening: Squeegee Kids (video); Reading: What's Underneath the Dirt and Rags; Listening: An Interview with Father Emmett Johns (audio); Speaking: Who Decides What?; Writing: Development Paragraphs; Writing Checklist; Unit 3 - The Travel Bug; Project: The Travel Bug Project; Reading: Why Travel?; Listening: Ecotourism (video); Reading: Work Abroad Offers Intro to Local Life; Listening: An Interview with Carol Steers (Audio); Unit 4 - Ethics; Questionnaire: What Are Your Ethics?; Listening: Buying an Education (video); ReadingL College plagiarists Got Caught in the Web; Listening: An Interview with Kristen Robillard (audio); ReadingL Cheat, Cheat, Let Them Beat ?; Speaking: Fred's Essays; Writing: Introductions and Conclusions; Writing Checklist; Unit 5 - A Good Read; Reading: Making a Living; Listening: Bookshop Memories (audio); Reading: The Landlady; Speaking: Limericks; Writing: Observation, Limericks; Unit 6 - Violence - Tough Issues!; Reading: We Mourn... All Our Daughters; Reading: Violence Against Women: Learning from Teaching; Listening: Nasty Girls (video); Reading: Welcome Back. Big Brother; Listening: An Interview with Marie Roy-Brisebois (audio); Spaeking: Talk It Over; Writing: The Essay - A Final Review; Writing Checklist; Grammar; Grammar Contents; Verbs; The Present Tenses in Detail; The Past Tenses in Details; The Present Perfect Tenses in Detail; The Future in Detail; Modal Auxiliaries; Verb Constructions; Nouns; Adjectives; Adverbs; Punctuation and Capitualization; Irregular Verbs; General Essay Schema; Level: Intermediate UR - http://www.editionscec.com/en/the-write-angle-a-102.html?___from_store=fr ER -