Chazal, Edward de

Oxford EAP : a Course in English for Academic Purposes (Upper-Intermediate, B2) / Edward de Chazal and Sam McCarter. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012. - 239 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. + 1 DVD-ROM. - Oxford EAP .

"Oxford EAP develops the essential skills and academic language for learners who are preparing to study in English at university level, from foundation courses to postgraduate research.
With authentic content from Oxford textbooks and videos of lecture extracts, Oxford EAP is an ideal course for learners from a wide range of disciplines. Its clear structure and user-friendly approach make it an ideal resource for experienced EAP tutors as well as teachers who are starting out in the field." (Publisher's Website) TABLE OF CONTENTS:
1. Education
Academic focus: Preparation for academic study
2. Systems
Academic focus: Description and definition
3. Communication
Academic focus: Using evidence
4. Order
Academic focus: Classification
5. Intelligence
Academic focus: Connecting ideas
6. Change
Academic focus: Describing processes
7. Culture
Academic focus: Comparison and contrast
8. Interpretation
Academic focus: Fact and opinion
9. Persuasion
Academic focus: Developing an argument
10. Connection
Academic focus: Cause and effect
11. Technology
Academic focus: Evaluation
12. Independence
Academic focus: Independent learning

For upper-intermediate (B2 - CEFR) ESL learners.

9780194001786 (Student book)

English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Usage--Problems, exercises, etc.
Anglais (Langue)--Manuels pour allophones.
B2 (CEFR).

B2 (CEFR). Upper-Intermediate.