Writing Games : a Collection of Writing Games and Creative Activities for Low Intermediate to Advanced Students of English /
Charles Hadfield & Jill Hadfield.
- Harlow, UK : Pearson Education, 1990.
- x, 22 p. (+ cca 42 p. of plates) : cov. ill. ; 28 cm.
On cover page: "Contains photocopiable material".
Includes indexes.
"Writing games is a collection of 40 games and activities for low intermediate to advanced students of English. A variety of activity types including guessing, matching, exchange and reply, role play, imaginative stimulus, formula poems and stories, random association, looking at familiar things from a new angle, brainstorming, describing what you see, spontaneous fast writing Practice in different types of writing, such as advertisements, descriptions, letters, narrative, newspaper articles, notices, poems, postcards Individual, pair work, group and whole class activities Teaching notes for games 1-40, and material designed to be photocopied for games 1-30 Indexes of the structures, functions and lexical areas practised in each activity." (Book Cover) CONTENTS List of games Index of structures and grammar areas Index of lexical areas Index of functions Introduction Teacher's notes for games 1-40 Photocopiable material for games 1-30 LIST OF GAMES 1. Thank-you letters Function: expressing thanks Type of writing: letter 2. Job applications Function: describing abilities Type of writing: advertisements, letter 3. Animal problems Function: asking for and giving advice Type of writing: letter 4. Rules Function: permission and prohibition Type of writing: notices 5. Moral tales Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 6. Riddles Function: describing objects Type of writing: description 7. Sense association Function: describing sense impressions Type of writing: poem 8. Election manifestos Function: promises and predictions Type of writing: manifesto 9. A martian sends a postcard home Function: describing objects and habits Type of writing: postcard 10. Warnings Function: giving advice and warnings Type of writing: notices 11. Interplanetary penfriends Function: exchanging personal information Type of writing: letter 12. Café portraits Function: describing people Type of writing: poem 13. Rip van Winkle writes home Function: describing changes Type of writing: letter 14. Headline jumble Function: reporting past events Type of writing: newspaper article 15. Cartoon treasure hunt Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 16. Concrete poems Function: describing objects, feelings and concepts Type of writing: poem 17. Haiku Function: describing objects and feelings Type of writing: poem 18. Diamond poems Function: describing characteristics Type of writing: poem 19. Fairytale update Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 20. History / Herstory Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 21. The Interstellar Times Function: narrating past events, expressing opinions, describing objects, promises, predictions, describing films and listing entertainment Type of writing: newspaper articles, letters, advertisements, reviews 22. Hard sell Function: persuasion, promises Type of writing: advertisements 23. Soap operas Function: expressing emotions Type of writing: dialogue 24. Xmas mail mart Function: describing objects and how they work Type of writing: advertisement 25. Circle writing Function: various Type of writing: dialogue 26. Lonely hearts Function: giving personal information Type of writing: advertisement, letter 27. Freaky fables Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 28. Postcards from the third millennium Function: describing scenes, places, habits and customs Type of writing: postcard 29. Secret thoughts of modern art Function: various Type of writing: monologue 30. Art adventure Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 31. Definition poems Function: describing concepts and feelings Type of writing: poems 32. Film shots Function: describing scenes and places Type of writing: description 33. Dream dictation Function: narrating past events, describing scenes and places Type of writing: description, narrative 34. Dream auction Function: narrating past events, describing scenes and places Type of writing: description, narrative 35. Detective stories Function: narrating past events Type of writing: narrative 36. Half fruit Function: describing sense impressions Type of writing: description 37. Fashion show Function: describing clothes Type of writing: description 38. Love letters Function: expressing emotion Type of writing: letter 39. Postcards Function: describing scenes and places Type of writing: postcard 40. Catalogue poems Function: describing scenes Type of writing: poem
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers. English language--Writing. English language--Games.