Duménil, Annie 1950-

Facile à dire ! : Les sons du français / Annie Duménil. - 1e éd. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2003. - xx, 266 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-252) and index.

Principes généraux La chaine parlée Les voyelles : généralités Les voyelles fermées Les voyelles ouvertes Les voyelles nasales Les semi-voyelles Les voyelles médiales Le "e" muet Les consonnes : généralités La liaison Les liquides Les occlusives Les fricatives Les nasales

"For undergraduate French pronunciation/phonetics or conversation courses, and as a supplementary resource in courses for teacher training. This text helps students improve their pronunciation while they learn the basic rules of “standardized” spoken French. The simplicity of the French used allows students to easily grasp the principles of pronunciation and the related terms of phonetics. The text also takes into account the major contrastive features of the sounds of French and English in its presentation, and addresses the particular challenges that North American native speakers face when learning to pronounce French." (Site de l'éditeur)

Pour les apprenants du français langue seconde du niveau intermédiaire.

0130601411 9780130601414 0130950300 (CD audio) 9780130950307 (CD audio)


French language--Phonetics.
FLS2772 (Réservé).

PC2135 / .D85 2003