TY - BOOK AU - McGarrell, H.M. TI - Writing for Results : : Academic and Professional Writing Tasks / SN - 9782761326001 (Student Book) PY - 2008/// CY - St-Laurent, PQ PB - Pearson Longman, KW - English language KW - Academic writing KW - Writing skills KW - Report writing KW - Writing KW - Problems and exercises N1 - Includes glossary, index and appendices.; "This second edition is ideal for students whose programs have an academic or professional focus. This manual, which stresses a process approach, offers students skill-building practice, writing strategies and real-life tasks that constitute a practical preparation for writing in a variety of professional and academic situations.; Eight skill-building units provide practice with ; Understanding the characteristics of academic and professional writing ; Working through the process of pre-writing and publishing ; Constructing effective paragraphs ; Classifying and defining ; Using appropriate language ; Comparing and contrasting ideas ; Expressing cause and effect ; Writing process descriptions and basic technical writing ; Using sources effectively; quoting; paraphrasing and summarizing ; Seven writing task units will familiarize the students with: ; Developing an expository essay ; Answering exam questions and dealing with time limits ; Writing an annotated bibliography ; Constructing an argumentative essay ; Writing a formal report ; Producing a resume and cover letter ; Developing and presenting a research paper ; Each unit includes a skills checklist for Canadian Language Benchmarks and IELTS-type writing practice" (Book cover); CONTENTS; PART ONE: DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE WRITING SKILLS; Unit 1 Writing in the Workforce: Academic and Professional Writing ; A The Role of Academic and Professional Writing ; B Characteristics of Academic and Professional Writing ; C Choosing an Appropriate Topic ; D The Writer`s Position and Audience Expectations ; E Using Appropriate Tone and Style ; F Choosing Appropriate Vocabulary and Collocations ; G Editing Practice and Review ; H Considering Cultural Differences ; Skills Checklist ; IELTS-Type Writing Practice; Unit 2 Process to Product: A Review of the Writing Process ; A The Role of the Writing Process ; B Reflecting to Understand the Needs of the Writing Task ; C Prewriting to Gather and Organize Ideas ; D Drafting to Develop Ideas into Sentences and Paragraphs ; E Revising to Improve Organization and Content ; F Editing to Check on Details ; G Publishing to Share the Finished Product ; H Editing Practice and Review ; Skills Checklist ; IELTS-Type Writing Practice; Unit 3 Fine-Tuning Paragraphs for Academic and Professional Writing ; A The Role and Form of Paragraphs ; B Parts and Patterns of Paragraphs ; C Organizing Ideas in a Paragraph ; D Coherence in Paragraphs ; E Recognizing and Writing Topic Sentences ; F The Concluding Sentence ; G Editing Practice and Review ; Skills Checklist ; IELTS-Type Writing Practice; Unit 4 Classification and Definition ; A The Role of Classification and Definition ; B Logical Division of Concepts or Ideas ; C Review and Explanation of Definition ; D Formal Definition ; E Extended Definition ; F Stipulative Definition ; G Editing Practice and Review ; Skills Checklist ; IELTS-Type Writing Practice; Unit 5 Comparison and Contrast ; A. The Role of Comparison and Contrast ; B. Organization for Comparison and Contrast ; C. Topic Sentences for Comparison and Contrast ; D. Clarifying and Expanding Ideas ; E. Editing Practice and Review; Unit 6: Cause and Effect ; A. The Role of Cause and Effect ; B. Organization for Cause and Effect ; C. Practice through Example Paragraphs ; D. Transition Words and Phrases for Cause and Effect ; E. Analyzing and Explaining Information in a Graph ; F. Editing Practice and Review; Unit 7: Process Descriptions and Basic Technical Writing ; A. The Role of Process Descriptions ; B. Example of a Process Description ; C. Analyzing a Process ; D. Determining the Context: Creating a Process Description Profile ; E. Selecting the Content: matching Your Process Description to the Process ; F. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; G. Checking the Document Format: Creating a Successful Document ; H. Considering Cultural Differences: Explicit Versus Assumed Knowledge ; I. Editing Practice and Review ; J. Vocabulary and Knowledge Review for Process Descriptions; Unit 8: Using Sources Effectively: Paraphrasing, Quoting and Summarizing ; A. The Role of Sources in Writing ; B. Key Elements in Paraphrasing ; C. Avoiding Plagiarism ; D. Using In-Line and Set-off Quotations ; E. The Reference Section ; F. Summarizing ; G. Considering Cultural Differences ; H. Editing Practice and Review; PART TWO: WORKING WITH SPECIFIC WRITING TASKS; Unit 9: Writing an Expository Essay ; A. The Role of Expository Writing ; B. Analyzing Purpose, Audience and Topic ; C. Introductions and Conclusions ; D. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; E. Developing Topic and Content ; F. Revision and Editing Practice ; G. Review; Unit 10: Answering Questions ; A. The Role of Questions ; B. Short-Answer and Essay Questions ; C. Analyzing a Question ; D. Identifying the Focus of a Question ; E. Formulating a Focus Sentence ; F. Planning and Writing a Focused Response ; G. Essay Questions ; H. Fill-in-the-Gap, Multiple-Choice and Sentence-Completion Questions ; I. Learning to Deal with Time Limits ; J. Helpful Tips; Unit 11: Preparing an Annotated Bibliography ; A. The Role and Purpose of an Annotated Bibliography ; B. Choosing Appropriate Sources ; C. Compiling an Annotated Bibliography ; D. Editing Practice and Review; Unit 12: Writing an Argumentative Essay ; A. The Role of an Argumentative Essay ; B. Practising with Arguments ; C. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; D. Developing an Argument ; E. Examining an Argumentative Essay ; F. Writing an Argumentative Essay ; G. Editing Practice and Review ; H. Considering Cultural Differences; Unit 13: Writing a Formal Report ; A. The Role of a Formal Report ; B. Guidelines on the Formal Report Format ; C. Analyzing Purpose, Audience and Topic ; D. Examining a Business Case ; E. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; F. Developing the Topic and Content ; G. Checking the Document Format ; H. Considering Cultural Differences ; I. Editing Practice and Review; Unit 14: Writing Job Application Materials ; A. The Role of Applications, Cover Letters, Résumés and Thank-You Notes ; B. Examples of Job Application Material ; C. Analyzing Your Audience: Examining the Job Ad and Creating a Position Profile ; D. Determining the Context: Creating an Applicant Profile ; E. Selecting the Content: Matching Your Assets to the Job Ad ; F. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; G. Checking the Document Format: Creating a Successful Résumé ; H. Considering Cultural Differences: Modesty and the Job Interview ; I. Editing Practice and Review; Unit 15: Writing a Research Paper ; A. The Role of a Research Paper ; B. Analyzing Purpose, Audience and Topic ; C. Gathering Ideas ; D. Choosing Effective Vocabulary ; E. Developing the Topic and Content ; F. Developing Research Questions and a Thesis Statement ; G. Preparing to Write the First Draft ; H. Checking the Document ; I. Considering Cultural Differences ; J. Editing Practice and Review UR - https://bit.ly/2DsngTB UR - https://bit.ly/2DrMod0 ER -