Tréville, Marie-Claude

Good Friends : The Use of English Cognates for Learning French / Marie-Claude Tréville - Aylmer, QC : Les Editions VARRO, 2000. - 87 p. couv. ill ; 28 cm :

Foreword Lesson 0
I. Introduction to Cognates II. Introduction to French Sounds Lesson 1 La planète se réchauffe !
Lesson 2 Une nouvelle société rurale Lesson 3 Université de Québec Lesson 4 Personnages d'exception Lesson 5 Les caribous perdent le Nord ! Lesson 6 Les mythes et les maths Appendices 1. French most frequent FUNCTION WORDS
2. Main French Tense Identification according to VERBAL ENDINGS 3. FOUR MOST FREQUENT VERBS 4. Prefixes and Suffixes Answer Keys

"This program is designed for English speaking students in high schools and universities, and for and other literate English speaking individuals who wish to rapidly attain a reasonable level of comprehension of authentic material written in French. This level can represent either an objective in itself, or a step towards improved listening comprehension, speaking and writing skills. The purpose of this textbook is not to cover a certain determined content, but rather, to provide students with tools to develop strategies which will enable them to decode the meaning of any written document with confidence and reasonable approximation..." (Foreword)

2980319902 (pbk)

French language--Cognate words--English
English language--French--Cognate words
French language--Study and teaching--Vocabulary
French language--English speakers--Study and teaching (Continuing education)