The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching / edited by C. J. Brumfit and K. Johnson. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1979. - viii, 243 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Includes index.

Bibliography: p. [227]-238.

SUMMARY: "The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching is a collection of seminal papers explaining the theoretical background to the notional, functional and communicative approaches to English language teaching. The papers are linked by commentaries drawing attention to points of central importance and indicating how the various ideas discussed relate to each other. Organized under four main topics (the linguistics background, the background to teaching, applications and techniques, educational perspectives), they should prove and invaluable aid for the teacher-trainee who wishes to understand the development of the ideas behind current educational theories." - Back cover CONTENTS: SECTION ONE: The linguistic background
D.H. Hymes: On Communicative Competence (extracts)
M.A.K. Halliday: Towards a Sociological Semantics (extracts)
SECTION TWO: The background to teaching
H.G. Widdowson: Directions in the Teaching of Discourse
H.G. Widdowson: The Deep Structure of Discourse and the Use of Translation
Christopher N. Candlin: The Status of Pedagogical Grammars
D.A. Wilkins: Grammatical, Situational and Notional Syllabuses
D.A. Wilkins: Notional Syllabuses and the Concept of a Minimum Adequate Grammar SECTION THREE: Applications and techniques
J.L.M. Trim: Draft Outline of a European Unit/Credit System for Modern Language Learning by Adults (extract)
J. van Ek: The Threshold Level (extracts)
H.G. Widdowson: The Teaching of English as Communication
J.P.B. Allen and H.G. Widdowson Teaching the Communicative Use of English
Keith Morrow: Communicative Language Testing: Revolution or Evolution? SECTION FOUR: Methodological perspectives
Leonard Newmark: How Not to Interfere with Language Learning
Richard Allwright: Language Learning through Communication Practice
C.J. Brumfit: 'Communicative' Language Testing: an Educational Perspective
Keith Johnson: Communicative Processes SECTION FIVE Extracts from teaching materials

019437078X (pbk.)


Communicative competence.
English language--Study and teaching.
Language and languages--Study and teaching.

P53 / .B79 P53