Canadian Connections : A Cross-Cultural Reader for Learning English / compiled by Eva C. Karpinski and Marlene Lecompte. - Toronto : Harcourt Brace Canada, 1997.

"Canadian Connections brings together a uniquely Canadian collection of readings for the intermediate ESL student. Representing a variety of voices, including critically acclaimed authors, professional journalists, social activists, aspiring writers, and award-winning students, Canadian Connections provides a multi-cultural framework for improving students' reading skills.
Each reading is accompanied by an author biography, key words and meanings, prereading exercises, reading comprehension, ideas for discussion, vocabulary practice, suggestions for writing, and other activities.
A focus on the thematic approach is reinforced with issue-related questions to encourage classroom discussion of topics such as family, relationships, education, work, traditions, and diversity.
A rhetorical index allows instructors to explore different rhetorical strategies." (Book Cover)
Unit One: Growing Up/Family
Finding a Nationality That Fits
The Hockey Sweater
The Other Family
/ Isabel Vincent
/ Roch Carrier
/ Himani Bannerji
Unit Two: Friendship/Relationships
Arranged Marriage "A Commitment for Life"
Les Anglais-Not Homogenized
The Kiss and the Moonshine
/ Homaira Kabir
/ Lise Archambault-Scott
/ Basil H. Johnston
Unit Three: Language/Education
All Accent on Learning English
An Immigrant Child Remembers
Teach Them Early about Differences
/ Sun-Kyung Yi
/ Lucy Fazio
/ Yasmeen Siddiqui
Unit Four: Work/Challenges
Come With a Vision
New Canadians Should Be Wary of Workaholism
In Service
Spirits of the Railway
/ Gloria Montero
/ Anna N. Mineyko
/ Maxine Tynes
/ Paul Yee
Unit Five: Ceremonies/Traditions
The Sled
July 1930
Inside the Walls of a Secret City
/ A Ukranian Folk Tale
/ Giuseppe Ricci
/ Wendy Chan Tang
Unit Six: Diversity/Change
Saskatchewan's Indian People-Five Generations
Grandson of a Slave
Final Dance on Racism's Grave?
With Glowing Hearts
/ Pat Deiter-McArthur (Day Woman)
/ George F. McCurdy
/ David Suzuki
Raheel Raza
Rhetorical Index

0774735112 (pbk)

English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.