The Complete Guide to IELTS: Student's Book : Band 5.5-7+ /
Bruce Rogers, Nick Kenny.
- 350 p. col. ill.; 30 cm + 1 DVD-ROM (12 cm)
- The Complete Guide to IELTS .
CEFR: level B2-C1.
"The Complete Guide to IELTS deconstructs the IELTS test and works systematically through each paper, covering all the task types, text types and skills. No stone is left unturned. The material can be used in class or by students working on their own. KEY FEATURES: each lesson offers task analysis, sample questions, tips and tactics and skills-building exercises. Separate vocabulary lessons deal with the common lexical features of the IELTS reading passage types and listening sections. A Grammar Resource Bank provides a comprehensive grammar reference and practice exercices covering all the grammar needed for the test. Engaging and motivating National Geographic video lessons increase students' familiarity with the listening task types. Speaking test videos and worksheets build students' confidence by showing real students completing a full Speaking test interview.
Full practice tests in the Student's Book and Teacher's Book give authentic test practice. Each section in the Student's Book also starts and ends with a practice test. Extensive additional practice of all four papers plus practice material for the General Training papers is provided by the DVD-ROM. The intensive Revision Guide sensitises students to typical mistakes made by candidates, and provides targeted practice and support to avoid throwing away marks." (Book Cover)
CONTENTS Introduction to the IELTS Test Introduction to the Complete Guide to IELTS LISTENING MODULE About the Listening Test Listening Preview Test TASK TYPE 1 Sentence Completion National Geographic Video 1: Mega Green Museum TASK TYPE 2 Note, Form, Table and Flow-chart Completion and Short Answer Questions National Geographic Video 2: Songs Under a Big Sky VOCABULARY 1 Times, dates and numbers; Phrasal and prepositional verbs; Compound nouns; Wordbuilding; Research data; Common IELTS topic: The natural world. TASK TYPE 3 Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling National Geographic Video 3: Eco-detectives TASK TYPE 4 Multiple Choice National Geographic Video 4: Picture Perfect VOCABULARY 2 Dependent propositions; Recognising and organising synonyms and antonyms; Formal and informal synonyms; Guessing the meaning from context; Wordbuilding; Common IELTS topic: Academic life TASK TYPE 5 Multiple Choice (with more than one answer) National Geographic Video 5: Kiteboarding TASK TYPE 6 Matching National Geographic Video 6: Solar-powered Water Heater VOCABULARY 3 Informal and academic languages; Views and opinions; Synonyms: academic language; Expressing responsibility: verb+preposition; Recognising and identifying paraphrases; Common IELTS topic: Business Listening Review Test ACADEMIC READING MODULE
About the Academic Reading Test Academic Reading Preview Test TASK TYPE 1 Identifying information (True/False/Not Given) TASK TYPE 2 Note, Flow-chart Completion and Diagram Labelling TASK TYPE 3 Short Answer Questions VOCABULARY 4 Collocation; Common IELTS topic: History TASK TYPE 4 Matching Headings TASK TYPE 5 Matching Information TASK TYPE 6 Matching Features VOCABULARY 5 Prefixes and suffixes; Synonyms and paraphrases; Antonyms; Dependent prepositions; Wordbuilding; Common IELTS Topic: Industry and technology TASK TYPE 7 Multiple Choice (with more than one answer) TASK TYPE 8 Sentence Completion TASK TYPE 9 Summary Completion (1) VOCABULARY 6 Academic vocabulary; Affixes; Common IELTS topic: Human behaviour TASK TYPE 10 Summary Completion (2) TASK TYPE 11 Matching Sentence Endings TASK TYPE 12 Multiple Choice TASK TYPE 13 Identifying the Writer's View and Claims (Yes/No/Not Given) VOCABULARY 7 Identifying the writer's view and claims; Collocations: adjectives + noun; Commonly confused words; Synonyms; Antonyms; Common IELTS topic: Agriculture Academic Reading Review Test TASK 1 Line Graphs TASK 1 Bar Charts TASK 1 Tables TASK 1 Pie Charts and Multiple Charts TASK 1 Diagrams TASK 1 Maps and Plans TASK 2 An Agree/Disagree Essay TASK 2 A Discussion/ Opinion Essay TASK 2 A Problem/ Solution Essay Academic Writing Review Test SPEAKING MODULE About the Speaking Test Speaking Preview Test PART 1 Introduction and Interview PART 2 Individual Long Turn PART 3 Two-way Discussion Speaking Review Test Practice Test (Listening, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, Speaking) Grammar Resource Bank Writing and Speaking Band Descriptors Sample Writing Answers Speaking Test Video 1 Worksheet Speaking Video Test 2 Worksheet Speaking Test Video Scripts
Deconstructs the IELTS test and works systematically through each paper, covering all the task types, text types and skills.
9781285837802 (pbk.)
International English Language Testing System. English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers. English language--Examinations, questions, etc.