Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language /
edited by Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, and Marguerite Anne Snow
- 4th ed.
- Boston, MA : National Geographic Learning, 2014.
- xi, 706 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface UNIT I Foundations of Methodology Ch. 1 - An Overview of Language Teaching Methods and Approaches / Ch. 2 - Communicative Language Teaching / Ch. 3 - Principles of Instructed Second Language Learning / Ch. 4 - Syllabus and Curriculum Design for Second Language Teaching / Ch. 5 - Teaching English in the Context of World Englishes / Marianne Celce-Murcia Patricia A. Duff Rod Ellis Kathleen Graves Marianne Celce-Murcia UNIT II Language Skills Listening Ch. 6 - Second Language Listening Comprehension: Process and Pedagogy / Ch. 7 - Dimensions of Academic Listening / Christine C. M. Goh John Flowerdew & Lindsay Miller Speaking Ch. 8 - Second Language Speaking / Ch. 9 - Fluency-Oriented Second Language Teaching / Ch. 10 - Teaching Pronunciation / Anne Lazaraton David Bohlke Janet Goodwin Reading Ch. 11 - Teaching Second/Foreign Language Literacy to School-Age Learners / Ch. 12 - Developing Engaged Second Language Readers / Ch. 13 - Teaching Reading for Academic Purposes / Anne M. Ediger Neil J. Anderson William Grabe & Fredricka L. Stoller Writing Ch. 14 - Practical Tasks for Mastering the Mechanics of Writing and Going Just Beyond / Ch. 15 - Considerations for Teaching Second Language Writing / Ch. 16 - Grammar in Second Language Writing / Elite Olshtain Sara Cushing Weigle Jan Frodesen Grammar and vocabulary Ch. 17 - Teaching Grammar / Ch. 18 - Spoken Grammar / Ch. 19 - Teaching and Learning Vocabulary for Second Language Learners / Diane Larsen-Freeman Michael McCarthy & Anne O’Keeffe Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman Assessing the Language Skills Ch. 20 - Large-Scale Second Language Assessment / Ch. 21 - Assessment in Second Language Classrooms / Antony John Kunnan & Kirby Grabowski Anne Katz UNIT III Skills for teachers Ch. 22 - Tools and Techniques of Effective Second/Foreign Language Teaching / Ch. 23 - Lesson Planning in Second/Foreign Language Teaching / Ch. 24 - English as a Second/Foreign Language Textbooks: How to Choose Them — How to Use Them / Ch. 25 - Culture and Pragmatics in Language Teaching and Learning / Ch. 26 - Digital Technology in Language Teaching / Donna M. Brinton Kitty B. Purgason Pat Byrd & Cynthia Schuemann Eli Hinkel Maggie Sokolik UNIT IV Integrated Approaches Ch. 27 - Teaching Language through Discourse / Ch. 28 - Content-Based and Immersion Models of Second/Foreign Language Teaching / Ch. 29 - Task-Based Teaching and Learning / Ch. 30 - English for Specific Purposes: International in Scope, Specific in Purpose / Ch. 31 - Literature as Content for Language Teaching / Ch. 32 - Approaches to School-Based Bilingual Education / Marianne Celce-Murcia & Elite Olshtain Marguerite Ann Snow David Nunan Ann M. Johns & Donna Price Sandra Lee McKay Mary McGroarty & Shannon Fitzsimmons-Doolan UNIT V Focus on the Learner Ch. 33 - Motivation in Second Language Learning / Ch. 34 - Language Learning Strategies and Styles / Ch. 35 - Teaching Young Learners in English as a Second/Foreign Language Settings / Ch. 36 - Adult Learners in English as a Second/Foreign Language Settings / Zoltán Dörnyei James E. Purpura Joan Kang Shin Janet L. Eyring UNIT VI Focus on the teacher Ch. 37 - Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers in the Profession / Ch. 38 - Classroom Research, Teacher Research, and Action Research in Language Teaching / Ch. 39 - Reflective Teaching: Principles and Practices / Ch. 40 - Effective Professional Development for Language Teachers / Lía D. Kamhi-Stein Kathleen M. Bailey John M. Murphy JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall & Susan Finn Miller References
"Now in its fourth edition, this comprehensive, best-selling methodology resource gives both prospective and experienced ESL/ELT teachers the theoretical background and practical applications they need to decide which approaches, materials, and resources can and should be used in their classrooms. With a focus on the learner and attention to the socio-cultural influences on language learning, "The Apple Book" covers methodology, language skills, teaching skills, integrated approaches, learner variables, and teacher development. New and revised contributions from forty-six well-known scholars and practitioners offer a variety of perspectives on language teaching and learning and an expanded focus on teaching in international contexts. Eleven new chapters include: Principles of Instructed Second Language; Learning Teaching English in the Context of World Englishes; Fluency-Oriented Second Language Teaching; Developing Engaged Second Language Readers; Spoken Grammar Assessment in Second Language Classrooms; Tools and Techniques in Effective Second Language Teaching; Teaching Language Through Discourse Task-Based Language; Teaching and Learning Motivation in Second Language Learning; Teaching Young Learners in ESL and EFL Settings. Each chapter lists questions, activities, and useful references. The Website for the text includes resources for extra information, expanded biographies of authors, and a glossary of key terms. (Book Cover)
9781111351694 (pbk)
English language--Studying and teaching--Foreign speakers. Second language acquisition.
Speaking and Writing--DLS 2102 Adult Second/Foreign Language Skills Development--BIL 5106