Adams, Kate

Trio Reading 3 : the Intersection of Vocabulary, Critical Thinking & Reading (B1) / The Intersection of Vocabulary, Critical Thinking & Reading Kate Adams. - 1st ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2016. - x, 142 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. - Trio .

"with online practice"--Cover.

Reading 1: How Do We Learn?
Reading 2: Does Testing Help Us Learn? Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about learning - r-controlled vowels
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Use a dictionary - Identify cause and effect - Present perfect to connect the past to the present, or to show different possibilities or choices
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 2: How is Technology Affecting Learning? READINGS
Reading 1: Can Robots Learn?
Reading 2: Do Video Games Teach?
Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about technology and learning - Schwa /ə/ in unstressed syllables
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Use vocabulary note cards - Summarize ideas - Adjective clauses with where and if to talk about possibility
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 3: Why Do We Do the Things We Do? READINGS
Reading 1: Why Do We Sleep?
Reading 2: Why Do We Laugh?
Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about things we do - gh as /f/ or as silent
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Collocations - Skim for information and answers - Quoted speech
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world UNIT WRAP UP Extend Your Skills Unit 2: INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY CHAPTER 4: A Business of One? READINGS
Reading 1: Who Is Self-Employed?
Reading 2: What Is Crowdfunding? Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about business - Notice spelling patterns for long vowels
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Word families - Understand bar graphs - Adjective clauses after objects and subjects
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 5: How Do We Fit In? READINGS
Reading 1: Why Is Fashion Important?
Reading 2: What Is Culture Shock? Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about how we fit into society - Spelling patterns for the different sounds of t and t with other letters
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Understand phrasal verbs - Make inferences - Present, present progressive, and present perfect
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 6: Making a Difference with Technology READINGS
Reading 1: A New Device Gives Hope
Reading 2: Helping the Deaf to Feel and See Sound
Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about how technology can help people - Spelling the /s/ sound with c
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Use negative prefixes - Recognize argument - Use could, should, and will have to to discuss possibility and argue a point
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world UNIT WRAP UP Extend Your Skills Unit 3: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS CHAPTER 7: Problem Solved? READINGS
Reading 1: Do Animals Solve Problems?
Reading 2: How Do Search Engines Work? Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about solving problems - Consonant clusters
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Use context to predict word meaning - Identify examples - would and would be able to
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 8: How Do I Decide? READINGS
Reading 1: Are More Choices Better?
Reading 2: Do Your Decisions Make You Happy?
Before Reading: - Oxford 2000 words to talk about making decisions - Recognize /y/
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Words with multiple meanings - Compare and contrast - Past perfect with so and because
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world CHAPTER 9: How Does Nature Affect Us? READINGS
Reading 1: How to Survive an Avalanche?
Reading 2: Do We Need Nature? Before Reading: Oxford 2000 words to talk about nature and its effect on us - Two vowels can make one sound
Make Connections: Text to self During Reading: Understand words that create cohesion - Take notes and mark the text - which and which means that - even though and even when
Make Connections: Text to text After Reading: Summarizing and retelling
Make Connections: Text to world UNIT WRAP UP Extend Your Skills The Oxford 2000 List of Keywords

"Trio Reading creates academic success through the gradual development of key reading techniques and strategies. Readiness Units teach the fundamentals of English to prepare students for success at each level, and Vocabulary and Reading Strategies equip students with the skills they need for successful reading. Trio Reading Online Practice extends learning beyond the classroom, providing students with additional practice and support for each chapter's vocabulary, grammar, and skills instruction." (Publisher's Website)

Level: B1 (CEFR)

9780194004060 (Student Book 3 with Online Practice Pack) 9780194004046 (Online Practice Student Access Card)


English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
Vocabulary--Problems, exercises, etc.
Reading (Adult education).
B1 (CEFR).