TY - BOOK AU - Douglas,Nancy AU - Bohlke, David TI - Reading Explorer 3 SN - 9781285846910 (Student book) PY - 2015/// CY - Boston PB - National Geographic Learning KW - English Language for Foreign Speakers KW - English language KW - Textbooks for foreign speakers KW - Problems, exercises, etc KW - English Language KW - Reading KW - Intermediate/High-Intermediate KW - B1-B2 (CEFR) N1 - "Bring the world to the classroom like never before through National Geographic topics, video, and visuals; New Reading Skill sections explicitly teach and practice one academic skill or strategy to enhance learners' reading comprehension; Expanded video sections featuring National Geographic video provide engaging opportunities for learners to synthesize information from multiple sources; The updated design blends text, charts, graphs and images, encouraging learners to develop visual literacy skills to improve comprehension; New eBooks and Online Workbooks with National Geographic video and activities allow learners greater flexibility for independent practice." (Book Jacket); SCOPE AND SEQUENCE; Introduction; Unit 1: SPORT AND FITNESS ; Reading: A: The World's Game — B: What Makes an Olympic Champion? ; Reading Skill: A: Scanning for Specific Information — B: Classifying Information ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: uni- — B: Word Link: -ic / -atic ; Video: Living at High Altitude; Unit 2: SKIN DEEP ; Reading: A: What Is Beauty? — B: Skin: The Body's Canvass ; Reading Skill: A: Using Examples to Support Claims — B: Determining the Main Idea of Paragraphs ; Vocabulary Building: A: Usage: uniform — B: Word Link: -al ; Video: Skin Mask; Unit 3: ANIMALS IN DANGER ; Reading: A: Dangerous Journey — B: Tracking the Snow Leopard ; Reading Skill: A: Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words — B: Understanding Conditional Relationships ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: -ive — B: Usage: conflict ; Video: Tree Climber; Unit 4: VIOLENT EARTH ; Reading: A: Sacred Mountains — B: Earthquake Zones ; Reading Skill: A: Being an Active Reader — B: Understanding Cause and Effect Relationships ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: ex- — B: Word Partnership: schedule ; Video: Santorini Volcano; Unit 5: ISLANDS AND BEACHES ; Reading: A: The Perfect Beach — B: Land of Fire and Ice ; Reading Skill: A: Summarizing a Writer's Point of View — B: Labeling Details on a Map ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Partnership: rank — B: Thesaurus: spectacular ; Video: Pacific Paradise; Unit 6: SUCCESS AND FAILURE ; Reading: A: The Nature of Risk — B: The Rewards of Failure ; Reading Skill: A: Recognizing Metaphors — B: Understanding Transitions ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: min- — B: Word Partnership: reputation ; Video: Savage Mountain; Unit 7: GLOBAL ADDICTIONS ; Reading: A: Caffeine: The World's Favorite Drug — B: Powering the Future ; Reading Skill: A: Understanding Pros and Cons — B: Using a Venn Diagram to Classify Information ; Vocabulary Building: A: Thesaurus: furthermore — B: Word Partnership: steep ; Video: Wave Power; Unit 8: EPIC ENGINEERING ; Reading: A: China's Grand Canal — B: Peru's Highway of Dreams ; Reading Skill: A: Understanding Compound Words — B: Organizing Notes in a T-chart ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: nov — B: Word Partnership: dense ; Video: Birth of a Rain Forest; Unit 9: FAR OUT ; Reading: A: Defying Gravity — B: The Ultimate Trip ; Reading Skill: A: Recognizing Phrasal Verbs — B: Recognizing Appositives ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: -ize — B: Word Partnership: precious ; Video: Walking in Space; Unit 10: ALL IN THE MIND ; Reading: A: What's on Your Mind? — B: Inside Animal Minds ; Reading Skill: A: Identifying Definitions — B: Identifying Lexical Cohesion ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: -ible / -ibility — B: Thesaurus: master ; Video: Chimp Memory; Unit 11: ART AND LIFE ; Reading: A: The Power of Color — B: Van Gogh's World ; Reading Skill: A: Creating a Word Web — B: Sequencing Information ; Vocabulary Building: A: Usage: stress (noun/verb) — B: Word Link: sen(s) ; Video: Urban Art; Unit 12: MEDICAL CHALLENGES ; Reading: A: A Cure for Cancer? — B: Deadly Contact ; Reading Skill: A: Understanding an Author's Use of Quotes — B: Inferring Information ; Vocabulary Building: A: Word Link: multi- — B: Word Partnership: emergency ; Video: Paraguay Shaman; Intermediate/High-Intermediate B1-B2 (CEFR) UR - https://ngl.cengage.com/search/productOverview.do?N=4294918503+200&Ntk=P_EPI&Ntt=143914416812210029957443461732120208358&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial&homePage=false UR - http://www.cengage.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9781305254480 ER -