Teddlie, Charles

Foundations of Mixed Methods Research : Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences / Charles Teddlie and Abbas Tashakkori. - 1st ed. - Los Angeles, CA : SAGE, 2009. - viii, 387 p. : ill ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references, and author and subject index.

Preface SECTION I. MIXED METHODS: THE THIRD METHODOLOGICAL MOVEMENT Chapter 1: Mixed Methods as the Third Research Community
Chapter 2: The Fundamentals of Mixed Methods Research Chapter 3: Methodological Thought Before the 20th Century / Charles Teddlie and R. Burke Johnson Chapter 4: Methodological Thought Since the 20th Century / Charles Teddlie and R. Burke Johnson Chapter 5: Paradigm Issues in Mixed Methods Research SECTION II. METHODS AND STRATEGIES OF MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Chapter 6: Generating Questions in Mixed Methods Research
Chapter 7: Mixed Methods Research Designs
Chapter 8: Sampling Strategies for Mixed Methods Research
Chapter 9: Considerations Before Collecting Your Data
Chapter 10: Data Collection Strategies for Mixed Methods Research
Chapter 11: The Analysis of Mixed Methods Data
Chapter 12: The Inference Process in Mixed Methods Glossary

Author Index
Subject Index

"Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences is a unique, interdisciplinary text written by two leaders in the field. Charles Teddlie and Abbas Tashakkori present an all-inclusive approach to mixed methods research, integrating the quantitative and qualitative approaches. They begin by introducing readers to the historical, philosophical, and other fundamental aspects of mixed methodology. They then cover the methods and strategies. From generating questions and selecting samples through conducting analyses and making inferences, the authors help readers conceptualize the dynamic interplay among research questions, research designs, sampling procedures, data collection techniques, data analyses, and inference processes. Features: Covers the basics of the qualitative and quantitative approaches before detailing mixed methods research for readers; Identifies directions for future developments, including conceptual/philosophical foundations, research design, quality audits, and mentorship of emerging scholars; Presents summaries of actual research projects in a cross-disciplinary manner, providing readers with models to follow in their own inquiry; Provides a glossary of more than 250 terms associated with mixed methods research; Includes research questions and exercises to help students prepare for exams." (Book cover)

9780761930129 (pbk)

Mixed methods research.
Social sciences--Research--Methodology.

Research Methodology in Bilingualism Studies--BIL 5102