
Your search returned 336 results.

181. Teaching by Principles : an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy / H. Douglas Brown.

by Brown, H. Douglas, 1941-.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, 2007Online access: Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET BRO] (2).

182. Pronunciation and Phonetics : a Practical Guide for English Language Teachers / Adam Brown.

by Brown, Adam, 1952-.

Publisher: New York : Routledge, 2014Other title: Practical guide for English language teachers..Online access: Publisher's Website. | Companion Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. | Taylor&Francis ebooks. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET BRO] (1).

183. Teaching by Principles : an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy / H. Douglas Brown & Heekyeong Lee.

by Brown, H. Douglas, 1941- | San Francisco State University | Lee, Heekyeong | Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: White Plains, NY : Pearson Education, 2015Other title: Interactive approach to language pedagogy..Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalogue. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET BRO] (1).

184. Language and Learning in Multilingual Classrooms : a Practical Approach / Elizabeth Coelho.

by Coelho, Elizabeth.

Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2012Online access: Publisher Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET COE] (1).

185. Classics of Russian Literature / Irwin Weil ; The Teaching Company.

by Weil, Irwin | Northwestern University | The Teaching Company.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Chantilly, VA : The Teaching Company, 2006Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for reference: CR Julien-Couture RC (Learning) [Call number: SPE GRE 3] (7).

186. Roles of Teachers and Learners / Tony Wright.

by Wright, Tony.

Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1987Online access: | Check the uOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: TEC LAN] (2).

187. More Reading Power 3 / Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries.

by Mikulecky, Beatrice S | Jeffries, Linda.

Edition: 3rd ed.Publisher: White Plains, NY : Pearson Longman, 2012Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the Ottawa Public Library (OPL). Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: REA MIK] (2).

188. Speaking / Martin Bygate.

by Bygate, Martin.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1987Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: TEC LAN] (2).

189. Voice and Vision in Language Teacher Education : Selected Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Language Teacher Education / edited by Bill Johnston and Kristen Walls.

by Johnston, Bill | University of Minnesota. The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) | Johnston, Bill | Walls, Kristen | University of Minnesota Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA).

Publisher: Minneapolis, MN : Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota, 2007Online access: Electronic Version (PDF) Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET JOH] (1).

190. La formation en questions / Robert Galisson et Christian Puren.

by Galisson, Robert | Puren, Christian.

Publisher: Paris : CLE international, 1999Online access: Site de l'éditeur. | Site du distributeur. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET DLE] (1).

191. A History of English Language Teaching / A. P. R. Howatt with H.G. Widdowson.

by Howatt, Anthony P. R. (Anthony Philip Reid) | Widdowson, H. G. (Henry G.).

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2004Other title: A History of ELT..Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET OXF] (1).

192. SLA Research and Language Teaching / Rod Ellis.

by Ellis, Rod.

Publisher: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 1997Online access: Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET OXF] (1).

193. Task-based Language Learning and Teaching / Rod Ellis.

by Ellis, Rod.

Publisher: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2003Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET OXF] (1).

194. Language Testing in Practice : Designing and Developing Useful Language Tests / Lyle F. Bachman and Adrian S. Palmer.

by Bachman, Lyle F, 1944- | Palmer, Adrian S, 1940-.

Publisher: Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET OXF] (2).

195. Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning / edited by James P. Lantolf.

by Lantolf, James P.

Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET OXF] (1).

196. Non-Native Language Teachers : Perceptions, Challenges, and Contributions to the Profession / edited by Enric Llurda.

by Llurda, Enric.

Publisher: New York : Springer, 2005Online access: Publisher's Website | Check the UO Library catalog. | E-Book via SpringerLink Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET LLU] (1).

197. Doing Second Language Research / James Dean Brown and Theodore S. Rogers.

by Brown, James Dean | Rodgers, Theodore S. (Theodore Stephen), 1934-.

Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002Other title: Second Language Research.Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the Carleton U. library catalogue. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET BRO] (2).

198. Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching : Theoretical, Methodological and Pedagogical Perspectives / edited by Johannes Eckerth and Sabine Siekmann.

by Eckerth, Johannes | Siekmann, Sabine | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung. Meeting (20th : 2005 : University of Munich).

Publisher: New York : Peter Lang, 2008Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET ECK] (1).

199. Teaching and Researching Motivation / Zoltan Dörnyei.

by Dörnyei, Zoltan.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York : Pearson Education Ltd, 2001Online access: | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET DOR] (1).

200. Apprendre une langue dans un environnement multimédia / collectif sous la direction de Lise Duquette et Michel Laurier.

by Duquette, Lise | Laurier, Michel.

Publisher: Outremont, Québec : Éditions Logiques, 2000Online access: Vérifier auprès des bibliothèques de l'UO. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET DUR] (1).

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