Eickhoff, Laura
University Success : Reading (Advanced) / University Success - Advanced Level Reading Laura Eickhoff, Laurie Foster, and Maggie Vosters; (Authentic Content Contributor) Victoria Solomon; (Series Editor) Lawrence J. Zwier. - 1st ed. - Hoboken, NJ : Pearson Education, 2018. - xvi, 416 p. : ill. in col. ; 23 cm. - University Success .
Includes index.
University Success is an academic course designed for English language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments. Authentic content is woven through reading, writing, and oral communication strands. The course - level by level - carefully scaffolds skill development to help students become autonomous learners, thereby closing the skills gap. University Success Reading Advanced Level provides intensive skills development and expanded application - tied to specific learning outcomes - as well as explicit vocabulary instruction. Authentic readings written by top professors from Stanford University offer real-life learning experiences to ensure students become fluent, automatic, and competent readers. FEATURES:
Parts 1 and 2 include diverse and challenging readings that encourage students to engage with the content as they build essential reading and critical-thinking skills. Topics are aligned around five main subject areas: Linguistics, Business Ethics, Earth Science, and Materials Engineering. Part 3 features authentic readings authored by the professors and built around the same five disciplines. providing the academic rigor students at this level need to succeed. Integration of the Student Book and MyEnglishLab provides a blended approach for a flexible program that adjusts to the needs of students and teachers." (Book Cover) SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: PART 1: Fundamental Reading skills U1 LINGUISTICS - Active Reading Fundamental Skill: Reading Actively Supporting Skills: Previewing a text, scanning Integrated Skills: Annotating Language Skills: understanding pro-forms Vocabulary Strategy: Choosing and writing vocabulary to learn Apply Your Skills: Read "The Ocracoke Broque". Explain the need to preserve the Ocracoke dialect — Analyze endangered languages in North and South America and create a map or chart about a different country or region. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Main Ideas and Supporting Details Fundamental Skill: Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details
Supporting Skills: Identifying main ideas; Identifying supporting details
Integrated Skills: Outlining a text
Language Skills: Simplifying complex sentences Vocabulary Strategy: Using word parts to analyze meaning
Apply Your Skills: Read “The Role of Investment Banks in the Great Recession”. Explore the ethics of investment bankers — Analyze data about gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States and create a graph showing GDP in a different country. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Organizational Structures Fundamental Skill: Recognizing Organizational Structures
Supporting Skills: Recognizing definitions; Identifying comparison-and-contrast organization
Integrated Skills: Taking notes with graphic organizers
Language Skills: Recognizing relative clauses for definition
Vocabulary Strategy: Understanding suffixes in scientific terms
Apply Your Skills: Read “Climate Change on Mars and Earth”. Explore how studying climate change on Mars can help us learn about Earth — Evaluate conditions on Earth and Mars and present information about atmospheric conditions on a different planet. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Reading Fluency Fundamental Skill: Reading Fluently
Supporting Skills: Increasing reading fluency; managing ambiguity
Integrated Skills: Summarizing a text
Language Skills: Understanding language associated with chronology
Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing multiple meanings of words
Apply Your Skills: Read “How the Spice Trade Drove Globalization”. Evaluate why Venice was so successful in the spice trade — Consider the theory of the spice trade and create a timeline showing key events of the Middle Ages. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Research Articles Fundamental Skill: Understanding Research Articles
Supporting Skills: Understanding the introduction; understanding the discussion
Integrated Skills: Summarizing a research article
Language Skills: Understanding modifiers Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing and learning multiword units
Apply Your Skills: Read “Polymer Applications in Soft Robotics”. Explore the development and uses of soft robots — Consider experiments related to soft robotics polymer applications and analyze characteristics of two specific soft robots. PART 2 Critical Thinking Skills U1 LINGUISTICS - Facts and Opinions Critical Thinking Skills: Identifying and Understanding Facts and Opinions
Supporting Skills: Identifying and understanding statements of fact; Identifying and understanding statements of opinion
Integrated Skills: Quoting material from a reading
Language Skills: Understanding structures used for hedging
Vocabulary Strategy: Using a dictionary to strengthen vocabulary
Apply Your Skills: Read “Grammar Goes to Hollywood: Linguists as Science Consultants”. Explain how science consultants can contribute to movies — Explore selected invented languages and complete a chart with this information. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Implication and Inference Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Implication and Inference
Supporting Skills: Making predictive inferences; Identifying strong and weak inferences.
Integrated Skills: Paraphrasing
Language Skills: Understanding noun clauses Vocabulary Strategy: Guessing word meanings from context
Apply Your Skills: Read “High- Versus Low-Context Cultures”. Explore international business communication — Study countries considered low- and high-context cultures and create a graph about business communication in a different country. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Cause, Effect, and Correlation Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Cause, Effect, and Correlation
Supporting Skills: Understanding cause-and-effect relationships; Understanding causation and correlation.
Integrated Skills: Using flowcharts to note causes and effects.
Language Skills: Understanding passive and active voice. Vocabulary Strategy: Understanding collocations.
Apply Your Skills: Read “Critical Thresholds and Climate Tipping Points”. Investigate global warming — Analyze data about global carbon dioxide levels and create a graph showing changes in a different climate variable over time. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Author’s Purpose and Tone Critical Thinking Skills: Determining an Author’s Purpose and Tone
Supporting Skills: Determining an author’s purpose; Recognizing an author’s tone.
Integrated Skills: Using descriptive imagery.
Language Skills: Recognizing figurative language.
Vocabulary Strategy: Differentiating between denotation and connotation.
Apply Your Skills: Read “Appreciating Non-Western Art from the Middle Ages”. Consider historical attitudes toward non-Western art — Analyze a map of UNESCO Cultural World Heritage sites in South America and prepare a presentation on one of the sites. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Visuals Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Visuals
Supporting Skills: Understanding textual references to visuals; Interpreting information in visuals.
Integrated Skills: Explaining information in visuals.
Language Skills: Understanding the use of passive voice in research writing. Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing Greek, Latin, and Germanic word roots.
Apply Your Skills: Read “How Nanotechnology Fights Cancer”. Explore benefits and potential downsides of nanomedicines — Determine major nanotechnology milestones and create a timeline of the five most important developments. Part 3 Extended Reading U1 LINGUISTICS - Accent and Affect Readings: 1. The Effects of Smiling on Your Accent
2. Fact or Fiction: Evaluating Media Coverage of the Vocal Fry Phenomenon
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research within a country and research that region’s accents. Explain how this accent can be distinguished from others as well as any changes or shifts that have occurred. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Sustaining Values Readings: 1. Sustaining Values: Goldman Sachs After 2008
2. Leadership Across Cultures: Frameworks and Understanding
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a company that has experienced problems due to fraud or ethics violations. Determine the type of fraud, how using a framework of ethical decision making could help in such a situation, and changes that could be made to create a positive ethical environment. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Climate and Environmentalism Readings: 1. An Introduction to Paleoclimate
2. Environmentalism in the 21st Century
Research / Assignment: Choose and research a region of interest when studying paleoclimate and climate change. Explore the types of research currently being conducted in that region, what type of proxies scientists are examining, and past and current climate change in this region. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Medieval Feasting Readings: 1. Songs About Medieval Feasting
2. Medieval Feast as Artistic Production
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a medieval kingdom or empire. Explore historical accounts, artwork and music, literary works, and so on to find out about celebrations in that culture. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Polymers: Regenerative Medicine Readings: 1. Why Do Polymers Behave Differently Depending on Their Conditions?
2. Designing Materials for Regenerative Medicine
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a type of object that commonly uses materials made of polymers. Find specific examples of this type of object and learn more about the polymeric material, such as mechanical properties, conditions under which the material can be used, and its advantages and disadvantages.
9780134652702 (Student book)
Reading (Higher Education).
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
University Success : Reading (Advanced) / University Success - Advanced Level Reading Laura Eickhoff, Laurie Foster, and Maggie Vosters; (Authentic Content Contributor) Victoria Solomon; (Series Editor) Lawrence J. Zwier. - 1st ed. - Hoboken, NJ : Pearson Education, 2018. - xvi, 416 p. : ill. in col. ; 23 cm. - University Success .
Includes index.
University Success is an academic course designed for English language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments. Authentic content is woven through reading, writing, and oral communication strands. The course - level by level - carefully scaffolds skill development to help students become autonomous learners, thereby closing the skills gap. University Success Reading Advanced Level provides intensive skills development and expanded application - tied to specific learning outcomes - as well as explicit vocabulary instruction. Authentic readings written by top professors from Stanford University offer real-life learning experiences to ensure students become fluent, automatic, and competent readers. FEATURES:
Parts 1 and 2 include diverse and challenging readings that encourage students to engage with the content as they build essential reading and critical-thinking skills. Topics are aligned around five main subject areas: Linguistics, Business Ethics, Earth Science, and Materials Engineering. Part 3 features authentic readings authored by the professors and built around the same five disciplines. providing the academic rigor students at this level need to succeed. Integration of the Student Book and MyEnglishLab provides a blended approach for a flexible program that adjusts to the needs of students and teachers." (Book Cover) SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: PART 1: Fundamental Reading skills U1 LINGUISTICS - Active Reading Fundamental Skill: Reading Actively Supporting Skills: Previewing a text, scanning Integrated Skills: Annotating Language Skills: understanding pro-forms Vocabulary Strategy: Choosing and writing vocabulary to learn Apply Your Skills: Read "The Ocracoke Broque". Explain the need to preserve the Ocracoke dialect — Analyze endangered languages in North and South America and create a map or chart about a different country or region. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Main Ideas and Supporting Details Fundamental Skill: Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details
Supporting Skills: Identifying main ideas; Identifying supporting details
Integrated Skills: Outlining a text
Language Skills: Simplifying complex sentences Vocabulary Strategy: Using word parts to analyze meaning
Apply Your Skills: Read “The Role of Investment Banks in the Great Recession”. Explore the ethics of investment bankers — Analyze data about gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States and create a graph showing GDP in a different country. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Organizational Structures Fundamental Skill: Recognizing Organizational Structures
Supporting Skills: Recognizing definitions; Identifying comparison-and-contrast organization
Integrated Skills: Taking notes with graphic organizers
Language Skills: Recognizing relative clauses for definition
Vocabulary Strategy: Understanding suffixes in scientific terms
Apply Your Skills: Read “Climate Change on Mars and Earth”. Explore how studying climate change on Mars can help us learn about Earth — Evaluate conditions on Earth and Mars and present information about atmospheric conditions on a different planet. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Reading Fluency Fundamental Skill: Reading Fluently
Supporting Skills: Increasing reading fluency; managing ambiguity
Integrated Skills: Summarizing a text
Language Skills: Understanding language associated with chronology
Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing multiple meanings of words
Apply Your Skills: Read “How the Spice Trade Drove Globalization”. Evaluate why Venice was so successful in the spice trade — Consider the theory of the spice trade and create a timeline showing key events of the Middle Ages. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Research Articles Fundamental Skill: Understanding Research Articles
Supporting Skills: Understanding the introduction; understanding the discussion
Integrated Skills: Summarizing a research article
Language Skills: Understanding modifiers Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing and learning multiword units
Apply Your Skills: Read “Polymer Applications in Soft Robotics”. Explore the development and uses of soft robots — Consider experiments related to soft robotics polymer applications and analyze characteristics of two specific soft robots. PART 2 Critical Thinking Skills U1 LINGUISTICS - Facts and Opinions Critical Thinking Skills: Identifying and Understanding Facts and Opinions
Supporting Skills: Identifying and understanding statements of fact; Identifying and understanding statements of opinion
Integrated Skills: Quoting material from a reading
Language Skills: Understanding structures used for hedging
Vocabulary Strategy: Using a dictionary to strengthen vocabulary
Apply Your Skills: Read “Grammar Goes to Hollywood: Linguists as Science Consultants”. Explain how science consultants can contribute to movies — Explore selected invented languages and complete a chart with this information. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Implication and Inference Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Implication and Inference
Supporting Skills: Making predictive inferences; Identifying strong and weak inferences.
Integrated Skills: Paraphrasing
Language Skills: Understanding noun clauses Vocabulary Strategy: Guessing word meanings from context
Apply Your Skills: Read “High- Versus Low-Context Cultures”. Explore international business communication — Study countries considered low- and high-context cultures and create a graph about business communication in a different country. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Cause, Effect, and Correlation Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Cause, Effect, and Correlation
Supporting Skills: Understanding cause-and-effect relationships; Understanding causation and correlation.
Integrated Skills: Using flowcharts to note causes and effects.
Language Skills: Understanding passive and active voice. Vocabulary Strategy: Understanding collocations.
Apply Your Skills: Read “Critical Thresholds and Climate Tipping Points”. Investigate global warming — Analyze data about global carbon dioxide levels and create a graph showing changes in a different climate variable over time. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Author’s Purpose and Tone Critical Thinking Skills: Determining an Author’s Purpose and Tone
Supporting Skills: Determining an author’s purpose; Recognizing an author’s tone.
Integrated Skills: Using descriptive imagery.
Language Skills: Recognizing figurative language.
Vocabulary Strategy: Differentiating between denotation and connotation.
Apply Your Skills: Read “Appreciating Non-Western Art from the Middle Ages”. Consider historical attitudes toward non-Western art — Analyze a map of UNESCO Cultural World Heritage sites in South America and prepare a presentation on one of the sites. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Visuals Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding Visuals
Supporting Skills: Understanding textual references to visuals; Interpreting information in visuals.
Integrated Skills: Explaining information in visuals.
Language Skills: Understanding the use of passive voice in research writing. Vocabulary Strategy: Recognizing Greek, Latin, and Germanic word roots.
Apply Your Skills: Read “How Nanotechnology Fights Cancer”. Explore benefits and potential downsides of nanomedicines — Determine major nanotechnology milestones and create a timeline of the five most important developments. Part 3 Extended Reading U1 LINGUISTICS - Accent and Affect Readings: 1. The Effects of Smiling on Your Accent
2. Fact or Fiction: Evaluating Media Coverage of the Vocal Fry Phenomenon
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research within a country and research that region’s accents. Explain how this accent can be distinguished from others as well as any changes or shifts that have occurred. U2 BUSINESS ETHICS - Sustaining Values Readings: 1. Sustaining Values: Goldman Sachs After 2008
2. Leadership Across Cultures: Frameworks and Understanding
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a company that has experienced problems due to fraud or ethics violations. Determine the type of fraud, how using a framework of ethical decision making could help in such a situation, and changes that could be made to create a positive ethical environment. U3 EARTH SCIENCE - Climate and Environmentalism Readings: 1. An Introduction to Paleoclimate
2. Environmentalism in the 21st Century
Research / Assignment: Choose and research a region of interest when studying paleoclimate and climate change. Explore the types of research currently being conducted in that region, what type of proxies scientists are examining, and past and current climate change in this region. U4 MEDIEVAL CULTURE - Medieval Feasting Readings: 1. Songs About Medieval Feasting
2. Medieval Feast as Artistic Production
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a medieval kingdom or empire. Explore historical accounts, artwork and music, literary works, and so on to find out about celebrations in that culture. U5 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - Polymers: Regenerative Medicine Readings: 1. Why Do Polymers Behave Differently Depending on Their Conditions?
2. Designing Materials for Regenerative Medicine
Research / Assignment:
Choose and research a type of object that commonly uses materials made of polymers. Find specific examples of this type of object and learn more about the polymeric material, such as mechanical properties, conditions under which the material can be used, and its advantages and disadvantages.
9780134652702 (Student book)
Reading (Higher Education).
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.