Van Drom, Andy
Become : Field-Related English Skills (Level 1) / Andy Van Drom. - 1st ed. - Montreal : Pearson ERPI, 2015. - x, 158 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. + Vocabulary Tracker - Become .
"The Pronunciation Workshop" and "Become Skilled for Work and Study" sections feature at the end of each unit.
Includes appendices and credits.
Introduction Unit 1 BECOME A PROFESSIONAL, NOT A STEREOTYPE Reading: Reading 1.1: Psychometric Tests - Do They Measure Up? -- Reading 1.2: Don't Be a Young Professional Stereotype -- Reading 1.3: How to Build an Unforgettable Personal Brand -- Reading 1.4: The Key Ingredient to the Success of Celebrity Chefs -- Understanding the purpose of a text -- Exploring the structure of a written text
Listening/Watching: Watching: Interview with Susan Cain -- Reflecting on the topic -- Exploring the structure of a recorded text
Speaking: Agreeing/disagreeing -- Orally summarizing/retelling information
Writing: Summarizing professional qualities in a personal brand mantra -- Writing a descriptive paragraph
Vocabulary: Revision: parts of speech (when looking up vocabulary) -- Describing professional qualities -- Expressions for agreeing/disagreeing, asking for an opinion, giving short answers -- Using transition words Grammar: Revision: simple present, question form, question words -- Transition words (sequence, cause/effect) -- Forming the imperative
Pronunciation: Final -s in the third-person simple present and plural nouns -- Intonation in questions -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Using the dictionary -- Doing research (credible sources)
Final Task: Which Qualities Drive You? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 2 SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS ONLINE
Reading: Reading 2.1: Can You Really Learn a Skill in a Week? -- Reading 2.2: Log On, Learn a Skill -- Reading 2.3: Founder: I Was Educating Online before Online Education Was Cool -- Reading 2.4: How to Become an Online Expert -- Distinguishing between scanning and skimming Listening/Watching: Watching 2.1: MOOCs -- Watching 2.2: Khan Academy -- Focusing on general ideas or precise details -- Visualizing the topic
Speaking: Presenting an online course and the professional skills it teaches -- Presenting a proposal
Writing: Writing paragraphs: topic sentences and development of main ideas -- Writing a proposal
Vocabulary: Studying vocabulary efficiently -- Expressions for indicating probability -- Defining words from context
Grammar: -ed forms used as adjectives; -ing forms used as nouns -- Revision: simple past -- Modals: can -- Revision: progressive tenses
Pronunciation: -ed verb endings -- Syllable stress in nouns and verbs with the same spelling -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Studying vocabulary efficiently -- Evaluating sources and text types
Final Task: Which Skill Will You Teach? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 3 PROFESSION: STUDENT/JOB SEEKER Reading: Reading 3.1: How to Reap the Most Out of College (or Any) Education -- Reading 3.2: Data-Driven Insights on Landing Your Dream Job -- Reading 3.3: The Best Job Interview Question Ever -- Using a T-chart to distinguish main ideas and supporting details
Listening/Watching: Listening: Interview with Geoff Dubrow -- Watching: Generation Jobless -- Understanding the context of a message
Speaking: Describing personal experiences and objectives -- Role-playing a job interview -- Developing an elevator pitch
Writing: Writing a cover letter/application -- Writing a narrative paragraph -- Writing a resumé
Vocabulary: Using expressions to persuade -- Using precise adjectives, adverbs and action verbs -- Avoiding repetition
Grammar: Pronouns and antecedents -- Present perfect -- Contracted forms of verbs
Pronunciation: Unstressed syllables and words -- Linking consonants and vowels -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Understanding levels of formality -- Formatting letters and e-mails
Final Task: Pitch Yourself -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 4 THE CREATIVE SPARK Reading: Reading 4.1: There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be a Young Person with a Big Idea -- Reading 4.2: How Caffeine Can Cramp Creativity -- Connecting ideas across readings
Listening/Watching: Watching 4.1: The Google Science Fair: Ann Makosinski's Hollow Flashlight -- Watching 4.2: We Are Makers -- Listening for specific information
Speaking: Describing field-related topics from original angles
Writing: Writing thesis statements and topic sentences
Vocabulary: False cognates -- Creating new words
Grammar: Determiners -- Non-count nouns -- Punctuating quotes
Pronunciation: Short/long vowels -- Linking vowel sounds -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Avoiding plagiarism -- Using direct quotations
Final Task: What Do You Propose? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 5 MOTIVATION VERSUS PROCRASTINATION
Reading: Reading 5.1: Why Procrastination Doesn't Need a Cure - and Might Even Make You More Productive -- Reading 5.2: The Surprising History of the To-Do List and How to Design One That Actually Works -- Comparing and contrasting texts to understand different points of view
Listening/Watching: Watching 5.1: Interviews with Charles Duhigg and Kelly McGonigal -- Watching 5.2: Interview with Angela Lee Duckworth -- Taking notes -- Understanding questions to predict answers
Speaking: Describing schedules and future plans -- Presenting an overview
Writing: Comparing and contrasting
Vocabulary: Using referring verbs to introduce paraphrases -- Using transition words to compare and contrast information
Grammar: Modals: obligation -- Expressing the future: will versus be going to
Pronunciation: /th/ sounds -- Word stress in multi-syllable nouns and adjectives -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Taking notes -- Paraphrasing and summarizing
Final Task: Become a Motivator for Yourself and Others -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 6 CONNECT
Reading 6.1: How Not to Be Alone -- Reading 6.2: The Open-Office Trap -- Using visual elements (pictures, graphics, tables) to understand complex information
Listening/Watching: Listening 6.1: Interview with Amy Cuddy -- Listening 6.2: Interview with Clive Thomson -- Listening for logical links that connect ideas
Speaking: Presenting data and facts
Writing: Writing a report
Vocabulary: Verbs representing movement; adverbs indicating extent of a change -- Words describing numbers
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives -- Passive voice -- Conjunctions -- Prepositions
Pronunciation: /h/ sounds -- Word stress in multi-syllable nouns and adjectives -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Interpreting and describing numbers and visual information -- Presenting visual information
Final Task: How Do You Connect? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 7 CHALLENGES AND CHOICES
Reading: Reading 7.1: Flummoxed by Failure - or Focused? -- Reading 7.2: Why Humans Are Bad at Multi-tasking -- Analyzing arguments and making inferences
Listening/Watching: Listening 7.1: Interview with Malcolm Gladwell -- Listening 7.2: Interview with Sheryl Sandberg -- Understanding opinions and attitudes
Speaking: Expressing a critical opinion
Writing: Writing an argumentative essay
Vocabulary: Precise, objective language -- Transition words to explain sequence of events, introduce examples
Grammar: Conditionals -- Modals: probability -- Complex sentences
Pronunciation: Silent Consonants -- Emphasis in sentences -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Outlining and structuring an argument -- Revising and editing
Final Task: Be Critical of Society's Challenges -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Appendices
Become: Field-Related English Skills, Level 1 is aimed at all low-intermediate ESL students. With content that focuses on personal and professional development topics, it is relevant to learners in a variety of fields or programs. Reflecting a critical-thinking approach, Become encourages students to improve their listening and reading comprehension skills and to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and grammar. Ultimately, it allows them to express themselves clearly in speech and writing on topics that are relevant both to themselves and and to their fields of studies. Become: Field-Related English Skills is offered with a Vocabulary Tracker. (Book Cover)
Pour les francophones étudiant l'anglais en tant que langue seconde.
9782761358927 (English Skills)
Become : Field-Related English Skills (Level 1) / Andy Van Drom. - 1st ed. - Montreal : Pearson ERPI, 2015. - x, 158 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. + Vocabulary Tracker - Become .
"The Pronunciation Workshop" and "Become Skilled for Work and Study" sections feature at the end of each unit.
Includes appendices and credits.
Introduction Unit 1 BECOME A PROFESSIONAL, NOT A STEREOTYPE Reading: Reading 1.1: Psychometric Tests - Do They Measure Up? -- Reading 1.2: Don't Be a Young Professional Stereotype -- Reading 1.3: How to Build an Unforgettable Personal Brand -- Reading 1.4: The Key Ingredient to the Success of Celebrity Chefs -- Understanding the purpose of a text -- Exploring the structure of a written text
Listening/Watching: Watching: Interview with Susan Cain -- Reflecting on the topic -- Exploring the structure of a recorded text
Speaking: Agreeing/disagreeing -- Orally summarizing/retelling information
Writing: Summarizing professional qualities in a personal brand mantra -- Writing a descriptive paragraph
Vocabulary: Revision: parts of speech (when looking up vocabulary) -- Describing professional qualities -- Expressions for agreeing/disagreeing, asking for an opinion, giving short answers -- Using transition words Grammar: Revision: simple present, question form, question words -- Transition words (sequence, cause/effect) -- Forming the imperative
Pronunciation: Final -s in the third-person simple present and plural nouns -- Intonation in questions -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Using the dictionary -- Doing research (credible sources)
Final Task: Which Qualities Drive You? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 2 SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS ONLINE
Reading: Reading 2.1: Can You Really Learn a Skill in a Week? -- Reading 2.2: Log On, Learn a Skill -- Reading 2.3: Founder: I Was Educating Online before Online Education Was Cool -- Reading 2.4: How to Become an Online Expert -- Distinguishing between scanning and skimming Listening/Watching: Watching 2.1: MOOCs -- Watching 2.2: Khan Academy -- Focusing on general ideas or precise details -- Visualizing the topic
Speaking: Presenting an online course and the professional skills it teaches -- Presenting a proposal
Writing: Writing paragraphs: topic sentences and development of main ideas -- Writing a proposal
Vocabulary: Studying vocabulary efficiently -- Expressions for indicating probability -- Defining words from context
Grammar: -ed forms used as adjectives; -ing forms used as nouns -- Revision: simple past -- Modals: can -- Revision: progressive tenses
Pronunciation: -ed verb endings -- Syllable stress in nouns and verbs with the same spelling -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Studying vocabulary efficiently -- Evaluating sources and text types
Final Task: Which Skill Will You Teach? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 3 PROFESSION: STUDENT/JOB SEEKER Reading: Reading 3.1: How to Reap the Most Out of College (or Any) Education -- Reading 3.2: Data-Driven Insights on Landing Your Dream Job -- Reading 3.3: The Best Job Interview Question Ever -- Using a T-chart to distinguish main ideas and supporting details
Listening/Watching: Listening: Interview with Geoff Dubrow -- Watching: Generation Jobless -- Understanding the context of a message
Speaking: Describing personal experiences and objectives -- Role-playing a job interview -- Developing an elevator pitch
Writing: Writing a cover letter/application -- Writing a narrative paragraph -- Writing a resumé
Vocabulary: Using expressions to persuade -- Using precise adjectives, adverbs and action verbs -- Avoiding repetition
Grammar: Pronouns and antecedents -- Present perfect -- Contracted forms of verbs
Pronunciation: Unstressed syllables and words -- Linking consonants and vowels -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Understanding levels of formality -- Formatting letters and e-mails
Final Task: Pitch Yourself -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 4 THE CREATIVE SPARK Reading: Reading 4.1: There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be a Young Person with a Big Idea -- Reading 4.2: How Caffeine Can Cramp Creativity -- Connecting ideas across readings
Listening/Watching: Watching 4.1: The Google Science Fair: Ann Makosinski's Hollow Flashlight -- Watching 4.2: We Are Makers -- Listening for specific information
Speaking: Describing field-related topics from original angles
Writing: Writing thesis statements and topic sentences
Vocabulary: False cognates -- Creating new words
Grammar: Determiners -- Non-count nouns -- Punctuating quotes
Pronunciation: Short/long vowels -- Linking vowel sounds -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Avoiding plagiarism -- Using direct quotations
Final Task: What Do You Propose? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 5 MOTIVATION VERSUS PROCRASTINATION
Reading: Reading 5.1: Why Procrastination Doesn't Need a Cure - and Might Even Make You More Productive -- Reading 5.2: The Surprising History of the To-Do List and How to Design One That Actually Works -- Comparing and contrasting texts to understand different points of view
Listening/Watching: Watching 5.1: Interviews with Charles Duhigg and Kelly McGonigal -- Watching 5.2: Interview with Angela Lee Duckworth -- Taking notes -- Understanding questions to predict answers
Speaking: Describing schedules and future plans -- Presenting an overview
Writing: Comparing and contrasting
Vocabulary: Using referring verbs to introduce paraphrases -- Using transition words to compare and contrast information
Grammar: Modals: obligation -- Expressing the future: will versus be going to
Pronunciation: /th/ sounds -- Word stress in multi-syllable nouns and adjectives -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Taking notes -- Paraphrasing and summarizing
Final Task: Become a Motivator for Yourself and Others -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 6 CONNECT
Reading 6.1: How Not to Be Alone -- Reading 6.2: The Open-Office Trap -- Using visual elements (pictures, graphics, tables) to understand complex information
Listening/Watching: Listening 6.1: Interview with Amy Cuddy -- Listening 6.2: Interview with Clive Thomson -- Listening for logical links that connect ideas
Speaking: Presenting data and facts
Writing: Writing a report
Vocabulary: Verbs representing movement; adverbs indicating extent of a change -- Words describing numbers
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives -- Passive voice -- Conjunctions -- Prepositions
Pronunciation: /h/ sounds -- Word stress in multi-syllable nouns and adjectives -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Interpreting and describing numbers and visual information -- Presenting visual information
Final Task: How Do You Connect? -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Unit 7 CHALLENGES AND CHOICES
Reading: Reading 7.1: Flummoxed by Failure - or Focused? -- Reading 7.2: Why Humans Are Bad at Multi-tasking -- Analyzing arguments and making inferences
Listening/Watching: Listening 7.1: Interview with Malcolm Gladwell -- Listening 7.2: Interview with Sheryl Sandberg -- Understanding opinions and attitudes
Speaking: Expressing a critical opinion
Writing: Writing an argumentative essay
Vocabulary: Precise, objective language -- Transition words to explain sequence of events, introduce examples
Grammar: Conditionals -- Modals: probability -- Complex sentences
Pronunciation: Silent Consonants -- Emphasis in sentences -- Pronunciation Workshop
Professional Skills: Outlining and structuring an argument -- Revising and editing
Final Task: Be Critical of Society's Challenges -- Become Skilled for Work and Study Appendices
Become: Field-Related English Skills, Level 1 is aimed at all low-intermediate ESL students. With content that focuses on personal and professional development topics, it is relevant to learners in a variety of fields or programs. Reflecting a critical-thinking approach, Become encourages students to improve their listening and reading comprehension skills and to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and grammar. Ultimately, it allows them to express themselves clearly in speech and writing on topics that are relevant both to themselves and and to their fields of studies. Become: Field-Related English Skills is offered with a Vocabulary Tracker. (Book Cover)
Pour les francophones étudiant l'anglais en tant que langue seconde.
9782761358927 (English Skills)