Anderson, Neil J.

Active Skills for Reading 4 / Neil J. Anderson. - 3rd ed. - Boston, MA : National Geographic Learning, 2014. - 240 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. - ACTIVE Skills for Reading .

Unit 1: THE WORLD OF WORK — Chapter 1: Not Your Typical 9-to-5 Job (Magazine Article) — Reading Skill: Predicting — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word ten/tain — Chapter 2: Job Interview Types (Web article) — Reading Skill: Skimming for Content — Vocabulary Skill: Homophones — Real Life Skill: Reading Job Ads — Unit 2: COMPUTER CULTURE — Chapter 1: Unmasking Virus Writers and Hackers (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Understanding Inference — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word plic — Chapter 2: Female Virus Writer Packs Punch (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Inferring Personality — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word graph/graphy — Real Life Skill: Reading Computer Advertising — Unit 3: TRAVEL ADVENTURES — Chapter 1: Into the Heart of a Family in Casablanca (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Scanning — Vocabulary Skill: Adverbs of Emotion — Chapter 2: Travel for Good (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Previewing — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word ject — Real Life Skill: Choosing a Travel Guidebook — Review 1: Fluency Strategy: Muscle Reading Getting That Job Using Social Media (Web article) Fluency Practice: 1. White Hat and Black Hat Hackers (Reference article) 2. A Kenyan Safari (Journal entry) — Unit 4: HAUNTED BY THE PAST — Chapter 1: The Vanishing Hitchhikers (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Skimming for Main Ideas — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word mort — Chapter 2: The Bell Witch (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Meaning from Context — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word pos/pon — Real Life Skill: Types of Stories — Unit 5: A GOOD READ — Chapter 1: What Exactly IS a Short Story? (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Recognizing Simile and Metaphor — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word scribe — Chapter 2: An Interview with J.K. Rowling (Web interview) Reading Skill: Scanning Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs Real Life Skill: Understanding Literary Terms — Unit 6: A NEW GENERATION OF THINKING — Chapter 1: Emotional Intelligence (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Skimming — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word tend — Chapter 2: Left Brains, Right Brains, and Board Games (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Main and Supporting Ideas — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word cap — Real Life Skill: Determining Your Intelligence — Review 2: Fluency Strategy: SQ5R; The Ghost Hunter's Bookstore (Webpage) Fluency Practice: 3. So, You Want to Be a Fiction Writer? (Magazine article) 4. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Reference article) — Unit 7: IT'S DINNER TIME! — Chapter 1: The Mediterranean Diet (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Meaning from Context — Vocabulary Skill: Numerical Root Words: mono, dec, cent, and mill — Chapter 2: Genetically Modified Food (Newspaper article) — Reading Skill: Arguing For and Against a Topic — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word sist — Real Life Skill: Understanding Punctuation — Unit 8: BEYOND PLANET EARTH — Chapter 1: Solar Storms (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Understanding Inference — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word rupt — Chapter 2: Star Struck (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Scanning — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word vac — Real Life Skill: Remembering What You Read — Unit 9: UNEARTHING THE PAST — Chapter 1: The Search for Cleopatra (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Fact Versus Opinion — Vocabulary Skill: The Prefix -ob — Chapter 2: Where Inca Kings Lie (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Meaning from Context — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Word mit — Real Life Skill: Using a Thesaurus — Review 3: Fluency Strategy: PARCER; Trans Fats in Trouble (Newspaper article) Fluency Practice: 5. Changes in Our Solar System (Reference article) 6. Archaeological Methods and Techniques (Reference article) — Unit 10: LANGUAGE AND LIFE — Chapter 1: The Exodus of Language (Magazine article) Reading Skill: Identifying Cause and Effect Vocabulary Skill: The Suffix -al — Chapter 2: Life with the Tarahumaras (Newspaper article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Main and Supporting Ideas — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Words lit and lex — Real Life Skill: Using a Pronunciation Key — Unit 11: WILDLIFE CONSERVATION — Chapter 1: The Race to Rescue Koalas (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Understanding Inference — Vocabulary Skill: The Root Words viv/gen/nat/bio — Chapter 2: Rhino Wars (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Scanning for Names and Numbers — Vocabulary Skill: The Prefix non- — Real Life Skill: Animal Terminology — Unit 12: GLOBAL BEATS — Chapter 1: Brazil: A Musical Melting Pot (Reference article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Meaning from Context — Vocabulary Skill: The Prefix ad- — Chapter 2: Hip-Hop Planet (Magazine article) — Reading Skill: Identifying Main Ideas Within Paragraphs — Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal Verbs with up and out — Real Life Skill: The Orchestra — Review 4: Fluency Strategy: Reading ACTIVEly; Language Survivors (Newspaper article) Fluency Practice: 7. Living on the Edge (Magazine article) 8. Music and Advertising (Reference article)

"ACTIVE Skills for Reading is an exciting five-level reading series that develops learners' reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Written by reading specialist Neil J. Anderson, the new edition of this best-selling series uses an ACTIVE approach to help learners become more confident, independent—and active-readers. ACTIVE Reading A = Activate Prior Knowledge C = Cultivate Vocabulary T = Think About Meaning I = Increase Reading Fluency V = Verify Strategies E = Evaluate Progress" (Book Cover).

9781133308096 (Student Book)

English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.
Reading comprehension--Problems, exercises, etc.
Vocabulary--Problems, exercises, etc.

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