Baker, Ann

Pronunciation Pairs : an Introduction to the Sounds of English / Ann Baker and Sharon Goldstein. - 2nd ed. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 192 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. + 1 CD.

An audio CD with selections from the complete class audio program is included in the back of the Student's Book.
The answer key is available on the publisher's website (registration required).

"Pronunciation Pairs, Second Edition, is a fully revised edition of this best-selling pronunciation text for high beginning to intermediate student of English. Active listening and interactive speaking tasks help students recognize and produce the individual sounds and the rhythm, stress, and intonation patterns of North American English. Illustrated word pairs help students differentiate the sounds they often confuse. Pronunciation Pairs can be used in the classroom, in a language lab, or for self-study" (Book Cover).

"Pronunciation Pairs, Second Edition, is a fully revised edition of this best-selling pronunciation text for high beginning to intermediate student of English. Active listening and interactive speaking tasks help students recognize and produce the individual sounds and the rhythm, stress, and intonation patterns of North American English. Illustrated word pairs help students differentiate the sounds they often confuse. Pronunciation Pairs can be used in the classroom, in a language lab, or for self-study" (Book Cover).

Intended for English language learners at the high-beginner to intermediate level.


English language --Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language --Problems and exercises. --Pronunciation
English language--Studying and teaching.
English language --Pronunciation by Foreign speakers.

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