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Caral : jeu de société / un jeu de Klaus-Jürgen Wrede ; illustrations de Hendrik Noack.

Par : Wrede, Klaus-Jürgen [auteur].
Collaborateur(s) : Noack, Hendrik [illustrateur].
Éditeur : Günzburg, DE : Hutter Trade Gmbh, 2022Description :Contenu de la boîte : 53 tuiles Niveaux de pyramides, 1 dé architecte, 1 plateau de jeu, 4 tuiles traineaux de transport, 1 piste de renommée, 1 carte de référence, 44 pions Caralis, 4 pions Familles, 8 pions de renommée, 1 jeton diplomate, 1 pion Architecte, 28 pions alpagas, 16 pions pierre, 7 tuiles Annuelles, 1 pion Anaconda, 8 tuiles de progression, 1 plateau emissaire, 12 tuiles Emissaires, 65 cartes, 1 règle du jeu : carton, plastique ; 30 x 30 x 8 cm.Genre/Forme :Jeux de société | Board gamesRessources en ligne : Site de l'éditeur. Résumé : « CARAL is the new game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede (Carcassonne), produced by Funtails. Experience the ancient city of Caral, the oldest known settlement on the South American continent. Follow us back to around 2500 BC. and get to know and love the (fictitious) people of the Carali. The city of Caral is located in Peru. Its ruins were discovered and excavated in 2000. It is the oldest known urban settlement in America. Countless temples and sacred sites are located in a fertile valley that stretches to the sea. During the game we are over 4500 years in the past and build the Pyramids of Caral together. » (Publisher's description)
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Reference JEU WRE REF (Parcourir l'étagère) 1 Disponible A030902

« CARAL is the new game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede (Carcassonne), produced by Funtails. Experience the ancient city of Caral, the oldest known settlement on the South American continent. Follow us back to around 2500 BC. and get to know and love the (fictitious) people of the Carali. The city of Caral is located in Peru. Its ruins were discovered and excavated in 2000. It is the oldest known urban settlement in America. Countless temples and sacred sites are located in a fertile valley that stretches to the sea. During the game we are over 4500 years in the past and build the Pyramids of Caral together. » (Publisher's description)

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