Language ideological debates / edited by Jan Blommaert.
Par : Blommaert, Jan [Editor].
Collection : Language, power, and social process ; 2. Éditeur : Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 1999Description :447 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.ISBN : 3110163500 (pbk).Sujet(s) : Sociolinguistics | Language and languages -- Political aspectsClassification CDD :306.44 Ressources en ligne : Check the uOttawa Library catalog | Publisher's websiteType de document | Site actuel | Collection | Cote | Numéro de copie | Statut | Date d'échéance | Code à barres |
Livres | CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) General Stacks | Non-fiction | MET BLO (Parcourir l'étagère) | 1 | Disponible | A030937 |
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents -- Preface -- Notes on contributors -- Debate is open -- Locating power : Corsican translators and their critics -- Ideology of dialect in Switzerland -- Language ideological debates in an Olympic city : Barcelona 1992-1996 -- Heated language in a cold climate -- Debate on bilingual education in the U.S. : language ideology as reflected in the practice of bilingual teachers -- Ebonics controversy in context : literacies, subjectivities, and language ideologies in the United States -- Singapore's Speak Mandarin Campaign : language ideological debates in the imagining of the nation -- Linguistic and political attitudes towards Israeli Hebrew : ongoing revival versus normalcy -- Politics, ideology and poetic form : the literacy debate in Tanzania -- Portuguese as ideology and politics in Mozambique : semiotic (re)constructions of a postcolony -- Flemish nationalism in the Belgian Congo versus Zairian anti-imperialism : continuity and discontinuity in language ideological debates -- Debate is closed -- Name index -- Subject index.
« Language Ideological Debates presents analysis of historically situated discursive events - debates - during which ideas about language are formed, articulated, and authoritatively entextualized.» (4th cover)
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