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Focus on Grammar 4 : An Integrated Skills Approach / Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner.

Par : Fuchs, Marjorie.
Collaborateur(s) : Bonner, Margaret.
Collection : Focus on Grammar. Éditeur : New York : Pearson Education, 2017Édition : 5th ed.Description :xxix, 495 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN : 9780134119991 (Student Book).Sujet(s) : English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers | English language -- Grammar -- Problems and exercises | English language | B2 (CEFR) | High-intermediateRessources en ligne : Publisher's Website. | Check the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) catalog.
Dépouillement complet :
"Building on the success of previous editions, Focus on Grammar continues to provide an integrated-skills approach to engage students and help them accomplish their goals of communicating confidently, accurately, and fluently. With comprehensive grammar coverage, abundant practice, and ongoing assessment Focus on Grammar delivers immediate and visible progress through its unique and proven pedagogy that takes learners from comprehension to communication.
New to this Edition: New and updated content engages, motivates, and appeals to learners from various cultural backgrounds. Many new readings and activities include topics of high interest to today's learners. Updated charts and redesigned notes offer clear, corpus-informed grammar presentations that reflect real and natural language usage. Clear signposting draws attention to most common usage, the difference between spoken and written registers, and common errors. Additional communicative activities encourage collaboration and the application of the target grammar in a variety of settings. Expanded writing practice helps students to confidently apply each unit's grammar to their own writing. New comprehensive assessment program with a variety of new assessment tools informs instruction and ensures that progress is measurable. Revised MyEnglishLab delivers rich online content and video media to engage and motivate students" (Book Cover).
Welcome to Focus on Grammar
The Focus on Grammar Unit
Scope and Sequence
About the Authors
UNIT 1 Simple Present and Present Progressive Theme: Names
Grammar Can use the simple present to describe habitual actions or unchanging facts Can use the present progressive to describe actions happening now Can use non-action verbs to describe states or situations
Reading Social Science Article: What's in a Name? Can scan a text in order to find specific information
Listening A conversation about people Can identify people, based on description in a conversation
Speaking Can ask people for personal details and introduce them to others Can narrate a video, describing what people are doing Can discuss naming customs in different countries
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about oneself
Vocabulary adjustments; consist of; convince; identity; in style; provide
UNIT 2 Simple Past and Past Progressive Theme: First Meetings
Grammar Can use the simple past to show that an action happened and was completed in the past Can use the past progressive to show that an action was in progress at a specific time in the past Can use the past progressive with their simple past to show an action interrupted by another action Can use the past progressive with while or when to show that two actions were in progress at the same time in the past
Reading Biographical Article: Super Couples Can follow chronological sequences in a biographical text
Listening A personal narrative Can identify the order of events in a recorded description
Speaking Can describe one's first meeting with someone Can ask and answer questions about important life events Can create a story and present it to the class
Writing Can write two paragraphs describing past events in an important relationship
Vocabulary accomplish; cover; influential; pursue; recover; research;
UNIT 3 Simple Past, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Progressive Theme: Hobbies and Interests
Grammar Can recognize when to use the simple past, the present perfect, or the present perfect progressive Can use the present perfect (progressive) with for/since and time expressions to show that something was not completed in the past Can use the present perfect with adverbs of time to show that something happened at an indefinite time in the past
Reading Narrative: Adventures in Student Living Can scan a personal narrative to identify key details
Listening A conversation about hobbies Can recognize key ideas and details in a discussion about hobbies and personal interests
Speaking Can talk about hobbies and personal interests Can discuss routine accomplishments Can research an interesting hobby and present findings to the class
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a recent trend
Vocabulary alternative; experiment; motivation; passion; survive; trend
UNIT 4 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive Theme: Musicians
Grammar Can use the past perfect to show that something happened before a specific time in the past Can use the past perfect progressive to show that something was in progress before a specific time in the past Can use the past perfect (progressive) with the simple past to show the time order between two past events Can use adverbs such as already, yet, and never to emphasize the first event, and expressions with by to refer to the second event
Reading Biographical Article: The People's Conductor Can determine and sequence the order of events in an article about someone's life and career
Listening An interview on a radio show Can understand the order of events in a radio program about career and life choices
Speaking Can ask and answer questions about past events and personal achievements Can discuss one's schedule for the previous day Can research a famous child prodigy and present findings to the class Can compare two similar scenes discuss differences
Writing Can write two paragraphs about a famous person's career and personal life
Vocabulary conduct; contract; ethnic; inspire; participate; transform
UNIT 5 Future and Future Progressive Theme: Life in the Future
Grammar Can use will or be going to to discuss future facts and predictions Can use will when making quick decisions, offers, and promises, and be going to or the present progressive when making plans Can use the simple present to discuss future scheduled events Can use the future progressive to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future Can use the simple present or the present progressive in future time clauses
Reading Information Article: Cities of the Future Can understand important points and details in lengthy article about a scientific topic
Listening A discussion about a conference Can follow a group discussion, identifying important details such as the speaker's schedules and plans
Speaking Can discuss schedules, reaching agreement on plans Can offer a detailed opinion about a controversial topic relating to technology
Writing Can write two paragraphs about a hypothetical scenario that is set in the future
Vocabulary challenge; individual; innovative; technology; vehicle; vertical
UNIT 6 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Progressive Theme: Goals
Grammar Can use the future perfect to show that something will happen before specific time in the future Can use the future perfect progressive to who that something will be in progress until a specific time in the future Can use the future perfect (progressive) with the simple present to show the time order between two future events Can use adverbs such as already and yet to emphasize the first event, expression with by to refer to the second event
Reading Business Article: Young Entrepreneur Looks Toward the Future Can scan a text about a business topic in order to find specific information
Listening A conversation about entrepreneurship Can follow a fast-paced conversation about professional aspirations, identifying key details
Speaking Can talk about someone's future goals and accomplishments Can discuss personal long-term goals and how to achieve them
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a classmate's future goals and what that person is doing to achieve these goals
Vocabulary affordable; convert; corporate; initiative; meanwhile; status
UNIT 7 Negative Yes/No Questions and Tag Questions Theme: Places to Live
Grammar Can use a range of negative yes/no questions and tag questions to check information or comment on a situation Can answer negative yes/no questions and tag questions Pronunciation: Intonation of tag questions
Reading Interview Transcripts: It's a Great Place to Live, Isn't It? Can scan interview transcripts for key information
Listening On-the-street conversations Can identify important details from fast-paced conversations
Speaking Can interview a classmate, asking questions and checking information Can discuss details about cities around the world, asking questions and checking information
Writing Can write an interview transcript about a classmate's home city, commenting on and checking information
Vocabulary attracted; constant; extremely; originally; structure; supply
UNIT 8 Additions and Responses: So, Too, Neither, Not either, and But Theme: Similarities and Differences
Grammar Can use additions with so, too, neither, or not either to express similarity Can use additions with but to express difference Can use short responses with so, too, neither, or not either to express agreement Can use short responses with but to express disagreement
Reading Scientific Article: The Twin Question: Nature or Nurture? Can extract specific information from a long linguistically complex text on a scientific topic
Listening A first-date conversation Can identify key details about people in a conversation
Speaking Can discuss similarities and differences between two people Can conduct online research about twins separated at birth and report findings Can discuss the controversial topics of nature vs. nurture and give own opinion
Writing Can write two paragraphs about the similarities and differences between two people
Vocabulary complex; factor; identical; image; investigate; reserved
UNIT 9 Gerunds and Infinitives, Review and Expansion
Grammar Can use a gerund as the subject or the object of a verb Can use a range of verbs followed by a gerund or an infinitive Can use a gerund after a preposition or a phrasal verb, and an infinitive after certain adjectives or nouns Can use infinitives to express purpose Can use gerunds and infinitives to make general statements
Reading Social Science Article: Fast Food in a Fast World Can recognize significant points and ideas in an article about a popular trend
Listening A conversation about school food services Can identify key details in a conversation
Speaking Can complete a questionnaire and discuss results Can make cross-cultural comparisons about a familiar topic Can conduct online research on fast food and report findings
Writing Can write two paragraphs describing plusses and minuses of a certain type of food
Vocabulary appealing; consequence; convenience; globe; objection; reliability
UNIT 10 Make, Have, Let, Help and Get Theme: Zoos and Marine Theme Parks
Grammar Can use make, have, get, or let to show how someone causes or allows another person to to do something Can use help to show that someone make things easier for another person/animal
Reading Opinion Article: That's Entertainment? Can recognize significant points and arguments in an opinion article on a controversial topic
Listening A conversation between a student and a teacher Can recognize how one speaker influences the other and gets that person to do something
Speaking Can describe how someone has influenced one's life Can contribute to a group discussion about a controversial topic
Writing Can write three paragraphs about a controversial topic, giving arguments for and against stating one's personal opinion
Vocabulary cruel; former; humane; physical; rebel; reinforcement
UNIT 11 Phrasal Verbs: Review and Expansion Theme: Telemarketing
Grammar Can use a range of phrasal verbs Can use transitive phrasal verbs Can use phrasal verbs Can use phrasal verbs with preposition combinations
Reading Magazine Article: Welcome Home! Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article
Listening A phone conversation with a telemarketer Can identify key details in a conversation
Speaking Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments Can analyze and discuss advertisements
Writing Can write two paragraphs describing a personal experience and what one learned from the experience
Vocabulary authorities; eliminate; equivalent; feature; firmly; tactic
UNIT 12 Adjective Clauses with Subject Relative Pronouns Theme: Personality Types and Friends
Grammar Can use sentences with adjective clauses beginning with subject relative pronouns such as who, that, which, or whose to identify or give additional information about nouns Can use identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses Pronunciation: Identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses
Reading Psychology Article: Extroverts and Introverts Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article
Listening A conversation between friends at a high-school reunion Can identify the people described in a conversation
Speaking Can take a personality quiz and discuss the results Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote or an international proverb Can complete a questionnaire and discuss the answers
Writing Can write two paragraphs describing the ideal friend and one's best friend
Vocabulary contradict; require; sensitive; tendency; trait; unique
UNIT 13 Adjective Clauses with Object Relative Pronouns Theme: The Immigrant Experience
Grammar Can use adjective clauses beginning with object relative pronouns such as who(m) , that, which, or whose to identify or give additional information about nouns Can use adjective clauses beginning with where or when Can use identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses Can use adjective clauses as objects of verbs and prepositions
Reading Online Book Review: Stories of New Generation of Immigrants Can identify specific information in a book review
Listening A description of a childhood room Can follow a personal narrative well enough to identify specific details
Speaking Can conduct online research about a successful immigrant and report findings Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote
Writing Can write a description of a place from one's childhood and why the place was important
Vocabulary compelling; encounter; generation; issue; poverty; struggle
UNIT 14 Modals and Similar Expressions: Review Theme: Social Networking
Grammar Can use a range of modals and similar expressions to express ability, possibility, advice, necessity, prohibition, or conclusions Can use may, might, or could to express future possibility
Reading Social Science Article: Staying Connected Can extract information ideas, and opinions from a linguistically complex article
Listening A conversation about Facebook Can identify key details in a conversation
Speaking Can discuss social networking websites, giving opinions Can take a quiz and compare answers with classmates Can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking
Writing Can write a blog entry about plans and events in the near future
Vocabulary content; involved; limit; network; resource; respond
UNIT 15 Advisability in the Past Theme: Regrets
Grammar Can use a range or past modals to express past advisability, regret, or criticism Pronunciation: Should have, could have, might have, ought to have
Reading Psychology Article: Useless Regrets Can infer people's opinions based on the information in a linguistically complex article
Listening A personal narrative about regrets Can follow a personal narrative well enough to identify specific details
Speaking Can take a survey and discuss the results Can discuss a situation, examining people's actions and giving opinions as to what the people should have done
Writing Can write three paragraphs describing a past problem and evaluating what should or shouldn't have been done
Vocabulary examine; exhausted; paralyzed; perceive; strategy; unrealistic
UNIT 16 Speculations About the Past Theme: Unsolved Mysteries
Grammar Can use a range of past modals to speculate about past events and draw possible conclusions based on facts Pronunciation: Couldn't have, may have, and might have
Reading Archaeology Article: The Iceman Can speculate and draw conclusions based on the information in a factual article
Listening Conversations between archaeology students Can identify key details in conversation with a picture
Speaking Can discuss ancient objects, speculating on what they are and what they might have been used for Can discuss and speculate on new facts found about the Iceman
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph speculating about an unsolved mystery
Vocabulary assume; decade; indicate; preserve; speculation; victim
UNIT 17 The Passive: Overview Theme: Geography
Grammar Can differentiate between active and passive sentences Can use the passive with the simple present, the simple past, or the present perfect of transitive verbs Can determine when to mention the agent or not Can use the passive with by + agent when it is important to mention the agent
Reading Magazine Article: Geography: The Best Subject on Earth Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article
Listening An academic lecture about Haiti Can follow an academic lecture well enough to identify key details and complete notes
Speaking Can discuss and interpret an international proverb Can engage in an extended conversation about geographical locations and resources found there Can take a quiz and compare answers with classmates
Writing Can write an essay about a country one knows well
Vocabulary edition; explorer; inhabitant; mission; publication; respect
UNIT 18 The Passive with Modals and Similar Expressions Theme: International Cooperation
Grammar Can use the passive with a range of modals and similar expressions to express certainty in the future, ability or possibility, future possibility or impossibility, advice or necessity
Reading Social Science Article: Close Quarters
Listening Conversations from a science-fiction movie dialog Can follow conversation well enough to identify key details
Speaking Can discuss rules for group living in close quarters Can make recommendations for improvement of one's environment Can discuss the pros and cons of investing money in space projects
Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing the ideal school for diplomacy
Vocabulary assemble; benefit; concern; cooperate; perspective; undertaking
UNIT 19 The Passive Causative Theme: Personal Services
Grammar Can use the passive causative to describe services people arrange for someone to do for them Can use the passive causative with by + agent when the agent is new or important information
Reading Fashion Magazine Article: Body Art Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic
Listening A conversation between father and daughter Can identify key details in a conversation about tasks on a To Do list
Speaking Can talk about plans and preparations for a trip to another country Can compare Before and After pictures of a person and discuss changes in appearance
Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing preparations for a future event
Vocabulary caution; expand; option; permanent; risk; temporary
UNIT 20 Present Real Conditional Sentences Theme: Shopping
Grammar Can use present real conditional sentences with if/when to describe real conditions and results that are certain, such as general truths and habits Can use modals or similar expressions in the result clause to express possibility, advice, or necessity Can use an imperative in the result clause to express instructions commands, or invitations
Reading Magazine Article: Knock on Wood! Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic
Listening Announcements in an airport and aboard a plane Can infer correct information from public announcements
Speaking Can discuss and complete an online form Can discuss shopping in different places Can compare that advantages and disadvantages of shopping in stores and shopping online
Writing Can write a short article describing things to do and see in one's city or town
Vocabulary consumer; dispute; policy; precaution; secure; site
UNIT 21 Future Real Conditional Sentences
Grammar Can use future real conditional sentences with if/unless to describe real conditions and results that are certain Can use modals or similar expressions in the result clause to express possibility, advice, or necessity
Reading Magazine article: Knock on Wood! Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic
Listening An interview with a candidate for student council president Can follow an animated conversation well enough to identify details
Speaking Can discuss common problems and possible solutions Can discuss superstitions, giving opinions and making cross-cultural comparisons
Writing Can write a short speech about what one will do if elected class or school president
Vocabulary anticipate; attitude; confident; insight; percent; widespread
UNIT 22 Present and Future Unreal Conditional Sentences Theme: Wishes
Grammar Can use present and future unreal conditional sentences to describe unreal conditions and results that are untrue, imagined, or impossible Can use might or could in the result clause to express possibility Can give advice using If I were you Can use wish to express wishes related to the present of future
Reading Fairy Tale: The Fisherman and His Wife Can identify specific information in a story
Listening A modern fairy tale Can follow a recorded story well enough to identify key details
Speaking Can discuss common problems and give advice Can discuss hypothetical questions and wishes
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph describing a wish one has for oneself or society, and what might happen if it came true
Vocabulary consent; embarrassed; enchanted; furious; grant; regular
UNIT 23 Past Unreal Conditional Sentences Theme: Alternate Histories
Grammar Can use past unreal conditional sentences to describe past unreal conditions and results that are untrue, imagined, or impossible Can use might have or could have in the result clause to express possibility Can use wish + past perfect to express regret or sadness
Reading Information Article: What If . . . ? Can extract specific information from a linguistically complex article
Listening Conversations about past events Can follow animated conversations well enough to identify key information about past events
Speaking Can speculate about past events or hypothetical situations Can analyze past situations and evaluate the decisions made Can talk about a past decision one regrets and about what one wished had happened and why
Writing Can write one or two paragraphs speculating about what would have happened if an important event hadn't taken place
Vocabulary alternate; dominate; occur; outcome; parallel; vision
UNIT 24 Direct and Indirect Speech Theme: Truth and Lies
Grammar Can report what other said using direct and indirect speech Can use a range of common reporting verbs in both direct and indirect speech Can correctly punctuate statements in direct speech Can make tense and pronoun changes in indirect speech
Reading Social Science Article: The Truth About Lying Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article
Listening Conversation between friends and coworkers Can follow animated conversations well enough to identify key details
Speaking Can have a discussion about lying Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote or international proverb Can complete a questionnaire and compare answers with classmates
Writing Can write one or two paragraphs about a past conversation, reporting what was said using direct and indirect speech
Vocabulary aware; justify; majority; nevertheless; reveal; survey
UNIT 25 Tense Changes in Indirect Speech Theme: Extreme Weather
Grammar Can report other people's statements using indirect speech, making tense and time-word changes Can use modals in indirect speech Can recognize verbs that do not change in indirect speech Can use appropriate time word in indirect speech
Reading Scientific Article: Force of Nature Can attribute quoted speakers based on the information in an article
Listening A conversation about a recent weather report Can identify key details in a discussion about a weather report
Speaking Can conduct a simple interview and report the other person's answers Can do an online search about an extreme weather event and report findings
Writing Can write two paragraphs about an extreme weather event, reporting another person's experience
Vocabulary devastation; exceed; extreme; inevitable; shelter; whereas
UNIT 26 Indirect Instructions, Commands, Advice, Requests, Invitations Theme: Health Issues
Grammar Can report other people's instructions, commands, advice, requests, and invitations, using indirect speech with infinitives
Reading Radio Interview Transcript: Here's to Your Health Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex text
Listening A conversation about a visit to a headache clinic Can identify key details in a conversation about medical advice
Speaking Can discuss health problems and possible home remedies Can report on how someone followed instructions
Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing a health problem one had and reporting the advice one received
Vocabulary astonishing; fatigue; interfere; monitor; persist; remedy;
UNIT 27 Indirect Questions Theme: Job Interviews
Grammar Can report other people's questions, using indirect speech Can use if, whether, or a wh- word to begin indirect questions Can use proper verb tense and word order in indirect questions
Reading Business Article: The Stress Interview Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article
Listening A conversation about a job interview Can identify key details in a conversation about a job interview
Speaking Can role-play a job interview and discuss with classmates Can talk about a personal experience with a job interview Can complete a questionnaire about work values, discuss answers, and report conversations
Writing Can write a report on a job interview
UNIT 28 Embedded Questions Theme: Tipping Around the World
Grammar Can use sentences with embedded questions to ask for information or express something one doesn't know Can use if, whether, or a wh-word to begin embedded questions Can use statement word order in embedded questions
Reading Interview Transcript: The Tip: Who? When? and How much? Can extract specific information from a linguistically complex text
Listening A call-in radio show about tipping Can understand a call-in radio program well enough to identify information
Speaking Can discuss tipping around the world, giving options Can talk about problems encountered during first-time experiences Can role-play a conversation between a hotel clerk and a guest asking for information
Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a confusing or surprising situation
Vocabulary clarify; custom; depend on; logical; ordinary; ultimate
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Cover page includes "with MyEnglishLab access code inside".

Includes glossary, appendices, unit review answer key, and index.

"Building on the success of previous editions, Focus on Grammar continues to provide an integrated-skills approach to engage students and help them accomplish their goals of communicating confidently, accurately, and fluently. With comprehensive grammar coverage, abundant practice, and ongoing assessment Focus on Grammar delivers immediate and visible progress through its unique and proven pedagogy that takes learners from comprehension to communication.

New to this Edition:
New and updated content engages, motivates, and appeals to learners from various cultural backgrounds. Many new readings and activities include topics of high interest to today's learners.
Updated charts and redesigned notes offer clear, corpus-informed grammar presentations that reflect real and natural language usage. Clear signposting draws attention to most common usage, the difference between spoken and written registers, and common errors.
Additional communicative activities encourage collaboration and the application of the target grammar in a variety of settings.
Expanded writing practice helps students to confidently apply each unit's grammar to their own writing.
New comprehensive assessment program with a variety of new assessment tools informs instruction and ensures that progress is measurable.

Revised MyEnglishLab delivers rich online content and video media to engage and motivate students" (Book Cover).


Welcome to Focus on Grammar

The Focus on Grammar Unit

Scope and Sequence

About the Authors



UNIT 1 Simple Present and Present Progressive Theme: Names

Grammar Can use the simple present to describe habitual actions or unchanging facts Can use the present progressive to describe actions happening now Can use non-action verbs to describe states or situations

Reading Social Science Article: What's in a Name? Can scan a text in order to find specific information

Listening A conversation about people Can identify people, based on description in a conversation

Speaking Can ask people for personal details and introduce them to others Can narrate a video, describing what people are doing Can discuss naming customs in different countries

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about oneself

adjustments; consist of; convince; identity; in style; provide

UNIT 2 Simple Past and Past Progressive Theme: First Meetings

Grammar Can use the simple past to show that an action happened and was completed in the past Can use the past progressive to show that an action was in progress at a specific time in the past Can use the past progressive with their simple past to show an action interrupted by another action Can use the past progressive with while or when to show that two actions were in progress at the same time in the past

Reading Biographical Article: Super Couples Can follow chronological sequences in a biographical text

Listening A personal narrative Can identify the order of events in a recorded description

Speaking Can describe one's first meeting with someone Can ask and answer questions about important life events Can create a story and present it to the class

Writing Can write two paragraphs describing past events in an important relationship

accomplish; cover; influential; pursue; recover; research;

UNIT 3 Simple Past, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Progressive Theme: Hobbies and Interests

Grammar Can recognize when to use the simple past, the present perfect, or the present perfect progressive Can use the present perfect (progressive) with for/since and time expressions to show that something was not completed in the past Can use the present perfect with adverbs of time to show that something happened at an indefinite time in the past

Reading Narrative: Adventures in Student Living Can scan a personal narrative to identify key details

Listening A conversation about hobbies Can recognize key ideas and details in a discussion about hobbies and personal interests

Speaking Can talk about hobbies and personal interests Can discuss routine accomplishments Can research an interesting hobby and present findings to the class

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a recent trend

alternative; experiment; motivation; passion; survive; trend

UNIT 4 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive Theme: Musicians

Grammar Can use the past perfect to show that something happened before a specific time in the past Can use the past perfect progressive to show that something was in progress before a specific time in the past Can use the past perfect (progressive) with the simple past to show the time order between two past events Can use adverbs such as already, yet, and never to emphasize the first event, and expressions with by to refer to the second event

Reading Biographical Article: The People's Conductor Can determine and sequence the order of events in an article about someone's life and career

Listening An interview on a radio show Can understand the order of events in a radio program about career and life choices

Speaking Can ask and answer questions about past events and personal achievements Can discuss one's schedule for the previous day Can research a famous child prodigy and present findings to the class Can compare two similar scenes discuss differences

Writing Can write two paragraphs about a famous person's career and personal life

conduct; contract; ethnic; inspire; participate; transform


UNIT 5 Future and Future Progressive Theme: Life in the Future

Grammar Can use will or be going to to discuss future facts and predictions Can use will when making quick decisions, offers, and promises, and be going to or the present progressive when making plans Can use the simple present to discuss future scheduled events Can use the future progressive to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future Can use the simple present or the present progressive in future time clauses

Reading Information Article: Cities of the Future Can understand important points and details in lengthy article about a scientific topic

Listening A discussion about a conference Can follow a group discussion, identifying important details such as the speaker's schedules and plans

Speaking Can discuss schedules, reaching agreement on plans Can offer a detailed opinion about a controversial topic relating to technology

Writing Can write two paragraphs about a hypothetical scenario that is set in the future

challenge; individual; innovative; technology; vehicle; vertical

UNIT 6 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Progressive Theme: Goals

Grammar Can use the future perfect to show that something will happen before specific time in the future Can use the future perfect progressive to who that something will be in progress until a specific time in the future Can use the future perfect (progressive) with the simple present to show the time order between two future events Can use adverbs such as already and yet to emphasize the first event, expression with by to refer to the second event

Reading Business Article: Young Entrepreneur Looks Toward the Future Can scan a text about a business topic in order to find specific information

Listening A conversation about entrepreneurship Can follow a fast-paced conversation about professional aspirations, identifying key details

Speaking Can talk about someone's future goals and accomplishments Can discuss personal long-term goals and how to achieve them

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a classmate's future goals and what that person is doing to achieve these goals

affordable; convert; corporate; initiative; meanwhile; status


UNIT 7 Negative Yes/No Questions and Tag Questions Theme: Places to Live

Grammar Can use a range of negative yes/no questions and tag questions to check information or comment on a situation Can answer negative yes/no questions and tag questions Pronunciation: Intonation of tag questions

Reading Interview Transcripts: It's a Great Place to Live, Isn't It? Can scan interview transcripts for key information

Listening On-the-street conversations Can identify important details from fast-paced conversations

Speaking Can interview a classmate, asking questions and checking information Can discuss details about cities around the world, asking questions and checking information

Writing Can write an interview transcript about a classmate's home city, commenting on and checking information

attracted; constant; extremely; originally; structure; supply

UNIT 8 Additions and Responses: So, Too, Neither, Not either, and But Theme: Similarities and Differences

Grammar Can use additions with so, too, neither, or not either to express similarity Can use additions with but to express difference Can use short responses with so, too, neither, or not either to express agreement Can use short responses with but to express disagreement

Reading Scientific Article: The Twin Question: Nature or Nurture? Can extract specific information from a long linguistically complex text on a scientific topic

Listening A first-date conversation Can identify key details about people in a conversation

Speaking Can discuss similarities and differences between two people Can conduct online research about twins separated at birth and report findings Can discuss the controversial topics of nature vs. nurture and give own opinion

Writing Can write two paragraphs about the similarities and differences between two people

complex; factor; identical; image; investigate; reserved


UNIT 9 Gerunds and Infinitives, Review and Expansion

Grammar Can use a gerund as the subject or the object of a verb Can use a range of verbs followed by a gerund or an infinitive Can use a gerund after a preposition or a phrasal verb, and an infinitive after certain adjectives or nouns Can use infinitives to express purpose Can use gerunds and infinitives to make general statements

Reading Social Science Article: Fast Food in a Fast World Can recognize significant points and ideas in an article about a popular trend

Listening A conversation about school food services Can identify key details in a conversation

Speaking Can complete a questionnaire and discuss results Can make cross-cultural comparisons about a familiar topic Can conduct online research on fast food and report findings

Writing Can write two paragraphs describing plusses and minuses of a certain type of food

appealing; consequence; convenience; globe; objection; reliability

UNIT 10 Make, Have, Let, Help and Get Theme: Zoos and Marine Theme Parks

Grammar Can use make, have, get, or let to show how someone causes or allows another person to to do something Can use help to show that someone make things easier for another person/animal

Reading Opinion Article: That's Entertainment? Can recognize significant points and arguments in an opinion article on a controversial topic

Listening A conversation between a student and a teacher Can recognize how one speaker influences the other and gets that person to do something

Speaking Can describe how someone has influenced one's life Can contribute to a group discussion about a controversial topic

Writing Can write three paragraphs about a controversial topic, giving arguments for and against stating one's personal opinion

cruel; former; humane; physical; rebel; reinforcement

UNIT 11 Phrasal Verbs: Review and Expansion Theme: Telemarketing

Grammar Can use a range of phrasal verbs Can use transitive phrasal verbs Can use phrasal verbs Can use phrasal verbs with preposition combinations

Reading Magazine Article: Welcome Home! Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article

Listening A phone conversation with a telemarketer Can identify key details in a conversation

Speaking Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments Can analyze and discuss advertisements

Writing Can write two paragraphs describing a personal experience and what one learned from the experience

authorities; eliminate; equivalent; feature; firmly; tactic


UNIT 12 Adjective Clauses with Subject Relative Pronouns
Theme: Personality Types and Friends

Grammar Can use sentences with adjective clauses beginning with subject relative pronouns such as who, that, which, or whose to identify or give additional information about nouns Can use identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses Pronunciation: Identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses

Reading Psychology Article: Extroverts and Introverts Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article

Listening A conversation between friends at a high-school reunion Can identify the people described in a conversation

Speaking Can take a personality quiz and discuss the results Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote or an international proverb Can complete a questionnaire and discuss the answers

Writing Can write two paragraphs describing the ideal friend and one's best friend

contradict; require; sensitive; tendency; trait; unique

UNIT 13 Adjective Clauses with Object Relative Pronouns Theme: The Immigrant Experience

Grammar Can use adjective clauses beginning with object relative pronouns such as who(m) , that, which, or whose to identify or give additional information about nouns Can use adjective clauses beginning with where or when Can use identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses Can use adjective clauses as objects of verbs and prepositions

Reading Online Book Review: Stories of New Generation of Immigrants Can identify specific information in a book review

Listening A description of a childhood room Can follow a personal narrative well enough to identify specific details

Speaking Can conduct online research about a successful immigrant and report findings Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote

Writing Can write a description of a place from one's childhood and why the place was important

compelling; encounter; generation; issue; poverty; struggle


UNIT 14 Modals and Similar Expressions: Review Theme: Social Networking

Grammar Can use a range of modals and similar expressions to express ability, possibility, advice, necessity, prohibition, or conclusions Can use may, might, or could to express future possibility

Reading Social Science Article: Staying Connected Can extract information ideas, and opinions from a linguistically complex article

Listening A conversation about Facebook Can identify key details in a conversation

Speaking Can discuss social networking websites, giving opinions Can take a quiz and compare answers with classmates Can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking

Writing Can write a blog entry about plans and events in the near future

content; involved; limit; network; resource; respond

UNIT 15 Advisability in the Past Theme: Regrets

Grammar Can use a range or past modals to express past advisability, regret, or criticism Pronunciation: Should have, could have, might have, ought to have

Reading Psychology Article: Useless Regrets Can infer people's opinions based on the information in a linguistically complex article

Listening A personal narrative about regrets Can follow a personal narrative well enough to identify specific details

Speaking Can take a survey and discuss the results Can discuss a situation, examining people's actions and giving opinions as to what the people should have done

Writing Can write three paragraphs describing a past problem and evaluating what should or shouldn't have been done

examine; exhausted; paralyzed; perceive; strategy; unrealistic

UNIT 16 Speculations About the Past Theme: Unsolved Mysteries

Grammar Can use a range of past modals to speculate about past events and draw possible conclusions based on facts Pronunciation: Couldn't have, may have, and might have

Reading Archaeology Article: The Iceman Can speculate and draw conclusions based on the information in a factual article

Listening Conversations between archaeology students Can identify key details in conversation with a picture

Speaking Can discuss ancient objects, speculating on what they are and what they might have been used for Can discuss and speculate on new facts found about the Iceman

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph speculating about an unsolved mystery

assume; decade; indicate; preserve; speculation; victim


UNIT 17 The Passive: Overview Theme: Geography

Grammar Can differentiate between active and passive sentences Can use the passive with the simple present, the simple past, or the present perfect of transitive verbs Can determine when to mention the agent or not Can use the passive with by + agent when it is important to mention the agent

Reading Magazine Article: Geography: The Best Subject on Earth Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article

Listening An academic lecture about Haiti Can follow an academic lecture well enough to identify key details and complete notes

Speaking Can discuss and interpret an international proverb Can engage in an extended conversation about geographical locations and resources found there Can take a quiz and compare answers with classmates

Writing Can write an essay about a country one knows well

edition; explorer; inhabitant; mission; publication; respect

UNIT 18 The Passive with Modals and Similar Expressions Theme: International Cooperation

Grammar Can use the passive with a range of modals and similar expressions to express certainty in the future, ability or possibility, future possibility or impossibility, advice or necessity

Reading Social Science Article: Close Quarters

Listening Conversations from a science-fiction movie dialog Can follow conversation well enough to identify key details

Speaking Can discuss rules for group living in close quarters Can make recommendations for improvement of one's environment Can discuss the pros and cons of investing money in space projects

Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing the ideal school for diplomacy

assemble; benefit; concern; cooperate; perspective; undertaking

UNIT 19 The Passive Causative Theme: Personal Services

Grammar Can use the passive causative to describe services people arrange for someone to do for them Can use the passive causative with by + agent when the agent is new or important information

Reading Fashion Magazine Article: Body Art Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic

Listening A conversation between father and daughter Can identify key details in a conversation about tasks on a To Do list

Speaking Can talk about plans and preparations for a trip to another country Can compare Before and After pictures of a person and discuss changes in appearance

Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing preparations for a future event

caution; expand; option; permanent; risk; temporary


UNIT 20 Present Real Conditional Sentences Theme: Shopping

Grammar Can use present real conditional sentences with if/when to describe real conditions and results that are certain, such as general truths and habits Can use modals or similar expressions in the result clause to express possibility, advice, or necessity Can use an imperative in the result clause to express instructions commands, or invitations

Reading Magazine Article: Knock on Wood! Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic

Listening Announcements in an airport and aboard a plane Can infer correct information from public announcements

Speaking Can discuss and complete an online form Can discuss shopping in different places Can compare that advantages and disadvantages of shopping in stores and shopping online

Writing Can write a short article describing things to do and see in one's city or town

consumer; dispute; policy; precaution; secure; site

UNIT 21 Future Real Conditional Sentences

Grammar Can use future real conditional sentences with if/unless to describe real conditions and results that are certain
Can use modals or similar expressions in the result clause to express possibility, advice, or necessity

Magazine article: Knock on Wood!
Can identify specific information in an article on a familiar topic

An interview with a candidate for student council president Can follow an animated conversation well enough to identify details

Speaking Can discuss common problems and possible solutions Can discuss superstitions, giving opinions and making cross-cultural comparisons

Writing Can write a short speech about what one will do if elected class or school president

anticipate; attitude; confident; insight; percent; widespread

UNIT 22 Present and Future Unreal Conditional Sentences Theme: Wishes

Grammar Can use present and future unreal conditional sentences to describe unreal conditions and results that are untrue, imagined, or impossible Can use might or could in the result clause to express possibility Can give advice using If I were you Can use wish to express wishes related to the present of future

Reading Fairy Tale: The Fisherman and His Wife Can identify specific information in a story

Listening A modern fairy tale Can follow a recorded story well enough to identify key details

Speaking Can discuss common problems and give advice Can discuss hypothetical questions and wishes

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph describing a wish one has for oneself or society, and what might happen if it came true

consent; embarrassed; enchanted; furious; grant; regular

UNIT 23 Past Unreal Conditional Sentences Theme: Alternate Histories

Grammar Can use past unreal conditional sentences to describe past unreal conditions and results that are untrue, imagined, or impossible Can use might have or could have in the result clause to express possibility Can use wish + past perfect to express regret or sadness

Reading Information Article: What If . . . ? Can extract specific information from a linguistically complex article

Listening Conversations about past events Can follow animated conversations well enough to identify key information about past events

Speaking Can speculate about past events or hypothetical situations Can analyze past situations and evaluate the decisions made Can talk about a past decision one regrets and about what one wished had happened and why

Writing Can write one or two paragraphs speculating about what would have happened if an important event hadn't taken place

alternate; dominate; occur; outcome; parallel; vision


UNIT 24 Direct and Indirect Speech
Theme: Truth and Lies

Grammar Can report what other said using direct and indirect speech Can use a range of common reporting verbs in both direct and indirect speech Can correctly punctuate statements in direct speech Can make tense and pronoun changes in indirect speech

Reading Social Science Article: The Truth About Lying Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article

Listening Conversation between friends and coworkers Can follow animated conversations well enough to identify key details

Speaking Can have a discussion about lying Can give an opinion and examples in response to a literary quote or international proverb Can complete a questionnaire and compare answers with classmates

Writing Can write one or two paragraphs about a past conversation, reporting what was said using direct and indirect speech

aware; justify; majority; nevertheless; reveal; survey

UNIT 25 Tense Changes in Indirect Speech Theme: Extreme Weather

Grammar Can report other people's statements using indirect speech, making tense and time-word changes Can use modals in indirect speech Can recognize verbs that do not change in indirect speech Can use appropriate time word in indirect speech

Reading Scientific Article: Force of Nature Can attribute quoted speakers based on the information in an article

Listening A conversation about a recent weather report Can identify key details in a discussion about a weather report

Speaking Can conduct a simple interview and report the other person's answers Can do an online search about an extreme weather event and report findings

Writing Can write two paragraphs about an extreme weather event, reporting another person's experience

devastation; exceed; extreme; inevitable; shelter; whereas

UNIT 26 Indirect Instructions, Commands, Advice, Requests, Invitations Theme: Health Issues

Grammar Can report other people's instructions, commands, advice, requests, and invitations, using indirect speech with infinitives

Reading Radio Interview Transcript: Here's to Your Health Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex text

Listening A conversation about a visit to a headache clinic Can identify key details in a conversation about medical advice

Speaking Can discuss health problems and possible home remedies Can report on how someone followed instructions

Writing Can write one or two paragraphs describing a health problem one had and reporting the advice one received

astonishing; fatigue; interfere; monitor; persist; remedy;

UNIT 27 Indirect Questions Theme: Job Interviews

Grammar Can report other people's questions, using indirect speech Can use if, whether, or a wh- word to begin indirect questions Can use proper verb tense and word order in indirect questions

Reading Business Article: The Stress Interview Can identify specific information in a linguistically complex article

Listening A conversation about a job interview Can identify key details in a conversation about a job interview

Speaking Can role-play a job interview and discuss with classmates Can talk about a personal experience with a job interview Can complete a questionnaire about work values, discuss answers, and report conversations

Writing Can write a report on a job interview


UNIT 28 Embedded Questions Theme: Tipping Around the World

Grammar Can use sentences with embedded questions to ask for information or express something one doesn't know Can use if, whether, or a wh-word to begin embedded questions Can use statement word order in embedded questions

Reading Interview Transcript: The Tip: Who? When? and How much?
Can extract specific information from a linguistically complex text

Listening A call-in radio show about tipping Can understand a call-in radio program well enough to identify information

Speaking Can discuss tipping around the world, giving options Can talk about problems encountered during first-time experiences Can role-play a conversation between a hotel clerk and a guest asking for information

Writing Can write a detailed paragraph about a confusing or surprising situation

clarify; custom; depend on; logical; ordinary; ultimate

Intended for English language learners at the B2 level.

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