
Your search returned 2 results.

1. Learning About Language Assessment : Dilemmas, Decisions, and Directions / Kathleen M. Bailey and Andy Curtis.

by Bailey, Kathleen M | Monterey Institute of International Studies | Curtis, Andy | Anaheim University.

Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Boston : National Geographic Learning, 2015Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: TST BAI] (1).

2. Focus on the Language Classroom : an Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers / Dick Allwright and Kathleen M. Bailey.

by Allwright, Dick | Lancaster University | Bailey, Kathleen M | Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press ; 1991Online access: Publisher's Website. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET CLT] (2).

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