Brown, Patrick

The Write Angle : English Skills for College Students / Patrick Brown. - Anjou : Éditions CEC ; 2000. - iv, 172 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. + Teacher's Manual (111 p.) + Grammar Answer Key (22 p.). - The Write Angle .

''The Write Angle, English Skills for College Students is designed for use with high-intermediate students of English as a second language. The book provides material to build and develop reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills, as well as a full review of grammar.'' (Book Cover) TABLE OF CONTENTS: Unit 1 - Get Smart Reading: Is Intelligence What Counts in Life? Listening: The EQ Inventory (video) Reading: How to Make a Better Student - Seven Kinds of Smart Listening: An Interview with Marguerite Kopiec (audio) Speaking: An MI Inventory Writing: A Process Unit 2 - Lifestyles Reading: Old Coots, Squeegeeists and Students Listening: Squeegee Kids (video) Reading: What's Underneath the Dirt and Rags Listening: An Interview with Father Emmett Johns (audio) Speaking: Who Decides What? Writing: Development Paragraphs; Writing Checklist Unit 3 - The Travel Bug Project: The Travel Bug Project Reading: Why Travel? Listening: Ecotourism (video) Reading: Work Abroad Offers Intro to Local Life Listening: An Interview with Carol Steers (Audio) Unit 4 - Ethics Questionnaire: What Are Your Ethics? Listening: Buying an Education (video) ReadingL College plagiarists Got Caught in the Web Listening: An Interview with Kristen Robillard (audio) ReadingL Cheat, Cheat, Let Them Beat ? Speaking: Fred's Essays Writing: Introductions and Conclusions; Writing Checklist Unit 5 - A Good Read Reading: Making a Living Listening: Bookshop Memories (audio) Reading: The Landlady Speaking: Limericks Writing: Observation, Limericks Unit 6 - Violence - Tough Issues! Reading: We Mourn... All Our Daughters Reading: Violence Against Women: Learning from Teaching Listening: Nasty Girls (video) Reading: Welcome Back. Big Brother Listening: An Interview with Marie Roy-Brisebois (audio) Spaeking: Talk It Over Writing: The Essay - A Final Review; Writing Checklist Grammar: Grammar Contents Verbs The Present Tenses in Detail The Past Tenses in Details The Present Perfect Tenses in Detail The Future in Detail Modal Auxiliaries Verb Constructions Nouns Adjectives Adverbs Punctuation and Capitualization Irregular Verbs General Essay Schema

Level: Intermediate

9782761716536 (Student book) 2761716531 (Student book)

English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Composition and exercises.
English language--Problems, exercises, etc.--Grammar
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--Audio-visual aids.

Integrated skills. Composition.

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