From the Classroom : Grounded Activities for Language Learning / edited by Miles Turnbull, Jill Sinclair Bell, and Sharon Lapkin. - 1st ed. - Toronto, ON : University of Toronto Press, 2002. - vii, 194 p. ; ill. ; 23 cm.

Based on "Touch of ... class!" articles that appeared in the Canadian modern language review, 1995-2002.

Includes bibliographical references.

Preface / Préface Introduction Getting Started: A conceptual framework for second language classroom activities / Miles Turnbull, Jill Sinclair Bell, Sharon Lapkin Pour commencer : un cadre théorique pour les activités d'apprentissage des langues secondes en salle de classe / Miles Turnbull, Jill Sinclair Bell, Sharon Lapkin Activities and Adaptations The use of e-mail as a tool to enhance second language education programs: An example from a core French classroom /
Adaptation One: Strengthening content of e-messages
Adaptation Two: Electronic Flat Stanley Geoff Lawrence
Un gars, une fille : plaidoyer pour la culture avec un 'petit c' dans un cours de français langue étrangère / Adaptation One: Comparing French and English sitcoms
Adaptation Two: Student-created sitcoms Catherine Black
Portfolio langagier en français /
Adaptation One: Portfolios for language learners
Adaptation Two: Portfolios in non-academic programs Bernard Laplante et Helen Christiansen
Exploring reading-writing connections through a pedagogical focus on 'coherence' /
Adaptation One: Cohesion markers in academic texts
Adaptation Two: Discovering coherence in genre writing Icy Lee
Écouter/visionner des messages publicitaires: démarche et propositions pédagogiques / Adaptation One: Looking critically at commercials
Adaptation Two: A critical comparison of print advertisements François Lentz, Robert Campbell, Annick Carstens, Henri Péloquin et Hélène Roy
Writing to think: Activities for teaching literature in a second or foreign language / Adaptation One: In-class publications
Adaptation Two: Dialogue journals for beginners Elizabeth M. Knutson

Le journal littéraire : une découverte /
Adaptation One: Book floods
Adaptation Two: Reading circles Christine Pelletier
Dramatisation et gestuelle : découvrir la culture-cible /
Adaptation One: Sound off, sound on
Adaptation Two: body language and listening skills Catherine Black
Creative skit activity in the Japanese language classroom / Adaptation One: Creating and recording a drama
Adaptation Two: Using drama to illustrate a variety of themes Yasuko Makita-Discekici
Student investigations of cultural identity in the foreign language classroom / Adaptation One: Stereotypes
Adaptation Two: Identifying cultural patterns David J. Shook
Error correction in the L2 classroom / Adaptation One: Before and after compositions
Adaptation Two: Practising second language pronunciation Maria Mantello
Handcrafted books: Check this out! / Adaptation One: Creating books for younger readers
Adaptation Two: Re-telling familiar stories Beatrice Dupuy and Jeff McQuillan
Cooperative learning in second language classes: Two techniques to consider / Adaptation One: A round-table writing activity
Adaptation Two: A get acquainted activity Miles Turnbull
Love, sex, and union: A multidimensional module / Adaptation One: An e-mail survey
Adaptation Two: An invited guest Miles Turnbull
The language management system / Adaptation One: Social chit chat
Adaptation Two: What's in the box J. Clarence Leblanc
Stratégies d'écoute des nouvelles radiodiffusées sur Radio-Canada / Adaptation One: Current events in the classroom

Adaptation Two: Media literacy Christine Besnard
The dresser, the lamp, and the oven: An activity for learning and practising house-related vocabulary / Adaptation One: Target language catalogues
Adaptation Two: Second-hand furniture Diane Chaffee-Sorace and Baiba Abrams

"From the Classroom: Grounded Activities for Language Learning is a resource book of activities for a wide range of language programs. Core and immersion French, English as a Second Language (ESL) for children and adults, heritage and international languages, academic, workplace, and vocational programs, are just some of the situations that teachers in Canada face daily. No language activity can cross such boundaries without adaptation at some level and a careful consideration of context. For these reasons, we believe that it is important for the theoretical rationale behind classroom ideas to be explicitly presented to enable teachers to decide whether an activity is suitable for a particular teaching situation. Nous avons donc tenté d'aider les enseignants à identifier les activités appropriées à leurs programmes et à en adapter d'autres. Dans ce but, nous avons identifié les objectifs principaux pour chacune des activités suggérées, et offert des adaptations afin que ces activités puissent servir pour une large variété de programmes. Nous espérons que les enseignants en exercice trouveront que ces suggestions élargissent leur répertoire d'activités utiles. » (Preface / Préface, p. vi-vii)

Text in English and French.

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Language and languages--Study and teaching--Ontario.
Langage et langues--Étude et enseignement--Ontario.

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