Reid, Brent Davis 1963-

Perspectives : English Skills with Grammar / Brent Davis Reid. - 1st ed. - Montréal : Pearson ERPI, 2010. - xii, 249 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. + 2 CD and 1 teacher's annotated ed. (xii, 249 : ill. ; 28 cm) - Perspectives. .

Includes a teacher's annotated, grammar and verb charts. Student book and Teacher's annotated edition are identical except for the fact that the Teacher's ed. includes the answers.

"Perspectives: English Skills with Grammar is an integrated skills course with a print and online grammar component for high-intermediate college students studying English as a Second Language. In Perspectives, students consider viewpoints and the influences that shape theses viewpoints as they hone their English language skills and broaden their perspectives. Perspectives offers level appropriate literary texts, essays, articles, radio excerpts and TV segments on a variety of social and cultural issues; questions and discussions that encourage critical thinking; techniques for effective reading and active listening; speaking and writing exercises that reuse and build upon content covered; individual productions that foster student autonomy; joint speaking and writing projects that tap into student creativity; helpful vocabulary tips and exercises that consolidate vocabulary acquisition; interesting notes pertaining to general culture and word etymology; clear guidelines for researching, referencing, and revising; a Grammar Guide covering key concepts" (Book Cover) UNIT 1 Understanding Perspectives Prepare Warm Up: What's Your Opinion? Ponder "The Red Pants"/ Malka Zipora Post The Paragraph The Academic Essay Present The Formal Speech Participate A Novel Experience UNIT 2 - Worlds Apart Preview Prepare Warm Up 2.1: Gender Differences: Science or Stereotype? Warm Up 2.2: Gender Discrimination or Gender Diversity? Ponder "Did I Miss Anything?"/ Reading 2.1: "Single-Sex Classes: Equality or Gender Apartheid?" Listening: Single-Sex Classes Reading 2.2: "Humbled by a Real Fight for Women's Rights"/ Watching: Little Women, Big Hearts Tom Wayman Elsie Hambrook Naomi Lakritz Post Free Verse The Argumentative Essay Present Single-Sex Discussions "He Said, She Said" Participate Making a Video Clip Pursue Related Works UNIT 3 - Dollars and Sense Preview Prepare Warm Up 3.1: How Financially Healthy Are You? Warm Up 3.2: Want or Need? Ponder "Smart"/ Reading 3.1: "Financial Health Is a Part of Overall Health"/ Watching: Frugal Shopping Reading 3.2: "The Gift of Thrift"/ Listening: Radical Thrift Shel Shiverstein Jane Claxton-Oldfield Jane Macdougall Post A Rhythm The Process Essay Present Some Financial Advice Proverbially Speaking Participate Writing a Fable Pursue Related Works UNIT 4 - Too Young, Too Old, Too Bad Preview Prepare Warm Up 4.1: What Do You Know About Aging? Warm Up 4.2: Is It Ageist? Ponder "If I Had My Life to Live Over"/ Reading 4.1: "Relics of a Former Life"/ Watching: Send in the Robots Reading 4.2: "'Too Old' or 'Too Young', Stop Judging by Age"/ Listening: Designing for Seniors Emma Bombeck Gail Kerbel Brett Anningson Post Sentence Completion The Informative Essay Present Why Do You Think? Running a Seminar Participate Taking an Oral History Pursue Related Works UNIT 5 - Mind Matters Preview Prepare Warm Up 5.1: How Much Do You Know about Autism? Warm Up 5.2: Stamping Out the Stigma Associated with Mental Illness? Ponder "Obsessive Me"/ Reading 5.1: "Exploring Inner Space"/ Watching: Positively Autistic Reading 5.2: "Awakening in a Twilight Zone Not to Be Feared"/ Listening: Mental Health Stand-Up Lennard J.Davis Jim Withers Davidicus Wong Post Laugh at Yourself The Definition of Essay Present Taboo Topics Accomplished People Participate Blogging into Stamp Out Social Stigma Pursue Related Works UNIT 6 - All or Nothing Preview Prepare Warm Up 6.1: Cautious or Cowardly? Courageous or Crazy? Warm Up 6.2: How Dangerous Is It? Ponder "In the Waiting Room"/ Reading 6.1: "Sometimes You Have to Just Jump"/ Listening: Risk-Takers: Boon or Burden? Reading 6.2: "Self-Indulgent Risks Reflect Larger Issues"/ Watching: Binge Drinking David Sedaris Sarah Regan Brett Anningson Post Daringly Different The Personal Essay Present Escapist Activities The Adventurers Participate The Adventure of Language Learning Pursue Related Works UNIT 7 - One Last Look Preview Prepare Warm Up: One Gesture, Many Meanings Ponder "Finding a Nationality That Fits"/ Reading 7.1: "Hallway Culture Clash"/ Listening: Neighbours: When to Say No to Nice? Isabel Vincent Matthew Coutts Post Customary Behaviour The Compare and Contrast Essay Present Customary Clothing You Can't Wear That! Participate Interculturalism Pursue Related Works Apprendix A - Researching, Referencing, and Revising Apprendix B - Effective Reading and Active Listening Grammar Guide 1. Sentence Structure 2. Present, Past, and Future Tenses 3. The Perfect Aspect 4. Modals and Conditionals 5. Passive Voice and Reported Speech 6. Nouns and Pronouns 7. Adjectives and Adverbs 8. Articles and Prepositions 9. Capitalization and Punctuation 10. Common Sentence Errors Chart A: Common Information Question Words Chart B: Common Irregular Verbs

College level.

9782761332873 (Student Book) 2761332873


English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Grammar--Textbooks.

PE1128 .R43 2010


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