O'Neill, Richard
Prism Reading and Writing 1 / Prism, Reading and writing, Level 1, Student workbook Reading and writing (Prism), Level 1, Student workbook Richard O'Neill and Michele Lewis, with Wendy Asplin, Carolyn Flores, and Jeanne Lambert (Teacher's Manual). - New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. - 199 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. + Teacher's Manual (82 p. ; 26 cm.) - Prism .
Includes ebook access.
Unit 1 PLACES (Academic Disciplines: Sociology / Urban Planning)
Watch and Listen: The Top U.S. City
Readings: 1: Rise of the Megacities (article), 2: Homestay Vacation: A Home away from Home (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Scanning for numbers -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Scanning to find information -- Scanning to predict content -- working out meaning -- making inferences -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Nouns, verbs and adjectives
Critical Thinking: Using a T-chart -- Analyzing positives and negatives
Grammar for Writing: Simple sentence 1: Subject +verb -- There is / there are
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: capital letters and punctuation -- RHETORICAL MODE: descriptive
Writing Task: Describe the place where you live -- Write about its positives and its negatives (sentences)
On Campus: Life Skill: Finding a place to live Unit 2 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS (Academic Disciplines: Anthropology / Cultural Studies)
Watch and Listen: The Meaning of Independence Day
Readings: 1: Celebrate! (article), 2: Muscat Festival (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Previewing a text -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: understanding key vocabulary -- scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas --reading for details -- recognizing text type -- synthesizing
Language Development: Prepositions of time and place, adverbs of frequency
Critical Thinking: using an idea map to organize ideas
Grammar for Writing: Simple sentences 2: objects and extra information -- prepositional phrases
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: organizing sentences into a paragraph -- RHETORICAL MODE: descriptive
Writing Task: Describe a festival or special event (paragraph)
On Campus: Life Skill: cultural exchange Unit 3 THE INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY (Academic Disciplines: Computer Science / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Predictive Advertising
Readings: 1. Someone's Always Watching You Online (Web article), 2. Video Games for Kids: Win or Lose? (essay)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Reading for main ideas - Making inferences -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key
vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for details -- Recognizing text type -- Synthesizing Language Development: Compound nouns -- Giving opinions
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a question
Grammar for Writing: Connecting ideas: And also, and too -- Compound sentences -- However Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Topic sentences -- RHETORICAL MODE: Opinion
Writing Task: The Internet wastes our time. It does not help us do more work. Do you agree or disagree? (paragraph)
On Campus: Study Skill: The virtual classroom Unit 4 WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academic Disciplines: Environmental Studies / Meteorology)
Watch and Listen: Tornadoes
Readings: 1. Extreme Weather (profile), 2. Surviving the Sea of Sand: How to Stay Alive in the Sahara Desert (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Reading for details -- Using you knowledge to predict content -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Reading for main ideas -- Recognizing text type -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Collocations with temperature -- Describing a graph
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a graph
Grammar for Writing: Comparative and superlative adjectives
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Supporting sentences -- Giving examples -- RHETORICAL MODE: Descriptive
Writing Task: Describe the weather in a country
On Campus: Life Skill: Seeing a doctor Unit 5 SPORTS AND COMPETITION (Academic Disciplines: Sports Management / Sports Science)
Watch and Listen: Skiing in the French Alps
Readings: 1. Five Unusual Sports (article), 2. Tough Guy: A Race to the Limit (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Scanning to predict context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Previewing -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Recognizing text types -- Understanding discourse -- Working out meaning -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Prepositions of movement Critical Thinking: Analyzing a diagram
Grammar for Writing: Subject and verb agreement
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Ordering events in a process -- Removing unrelated information -- RHETORICAL MODE: Process
Writing Task: Describe the Sydney Triathlon. (paragraph)
On Campus: Communication Skill: Virtual communication Unit 6 BUSINESS (Academic Disciplines: Business / Marketing)
Watch and Listen: Amazon's Fulfillment Center
Readings: 1. Are You Ready for the World of Work?, 2. The Story of Google (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Working out meaning from context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading main ideas -- Reading for details -- Identifying audience -- Making inferences -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Collocations, with business -- Business vocabulary
Critical Thinking: Using a timeline to put past events in order
Grammar for Writing: The simple present and the simple past -- Time clauses with when to describe past events
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Adding details to main facts -- RHETORICAL MODE: Narrative
Writing Task: Write about the history of a business. (paragraph)
On Campus: Study Skill: Creating checklists Unit 7 PEOPLE (Academic Disciplines: Psychology / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: The 101-Year-Old Weather Volunteer
Readings: 1. Incredible People: Ben Underwood (blog post), 2. Incredible People (blog posts)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Making inferences -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Working out meaning -- Identifying purpose -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Noun phrases with of -- Adjectives to describe people
Critical Thinking: Using a Venn diagram
Grammar for Writing: Modals of necessity
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Concluding sentences -- RHETORICAL MODE: Explanatory
Writing Task: Who do you think is a good role model? Write a paragraph explaining the qualities that make that person a good role model. (paragraph)
On Campus: Communication Skill: Expressing your opinion Unit 8 THE UNIVERSE (Academic Disciplines: Astronomy / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Going to the International Space Station
Readings: 1. The Rise of Commercial Space Travel (article), 2. Life on Other Planets (essay)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Identifying the author's purpose -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Making inferences -- Distinguishing fact from opinion -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Giving evidence and supporting an argument
Critical Thinking: Evaluating arguments
Grammar for Writing: That clauses in complex sentences -- Infinitives of purpose
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Essay organization -- RHETORICAL MODE: Opinion
Writing Task: Should governments spend more money on space exploration? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. (essay)
On Campus: Research Skill: Using the library
"Paired skills course focusing on critical thinking, academic skills, and language students need most. Prism is a five-level (A1 to C1), American English paired-skills course (Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking), created for students who need to develop a range of academic skills. This Level 4 (C1) Listening and Speaking Student's Book prepares students for college classes by developing their listening, speaking, critical thinking, and pronunciation skills, including pronunciation for listening. Special sections teach how to be a successful college student, and the accompanying video program sets the stage for each unit's topic. Inside the book is a single-use code for the online workbook. This provides automatically graded extra practice and works on PCs and Macs." (Publisher's Website)
9781316624272 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 1316624277 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 9781316625088 (Teacher's Manual)
English language--Study and teaching.--Textbooks for foreign speakers
Reading comprehension--Study and teaching.
English language--Written English.
A2 (CEFR).
Prism Reading and Writing 1 / Prism, Reading and writing, Level 1, Student workbook Reading and writing (Prism), Level 1, Student workbook Richard O'Neill and Michele Lewis, with Wendy Asplin, Carolyn Flores, and Jeanne Lambert (Teacher's Manual). - New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. - 199 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. + Teacher's Manual (82 p. ; 26 cm.) - Prism .
Includes ebook access.
Unit 1 PLACES (Academic Disciplines: Sociology / Urban Planning)
Watch and Listen: The Top U.S. City
Readings: 1: Rise of the Megacities (article), 2: Homestay Vacation: A Home away from Home (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Scanning for numbers -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Scanning to find information -- Scanning to predict content -- working out meaning -- making inferences -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Nouns, verbs and adjectives
Critical Thinking: Using a T-chart -- Analyzing positives and negatives
Grammar for Writing: Simple sentence 1: Subject +verb -- There is / there are
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: capital letters and punctuation -- RHETORICAL MODE: descriptive
Writing Task: Describe the place where you live -- Write about its positives and its negatives (sentences)
On Campus: Life Skill: Finding a place to live Unit 2 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS (Academic Disciplines: Anthropology / Cultural Studies)
Watch and Listen: The Meaning of Independence Day
Readings: 1: Celebrate! (article), 2: Muscat Festival (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Previewing a text -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: understanding key vocabulary -- scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas --reading for details -- recognizing text type -- synthesizing
Language Development: Prepositions of time and place, adverbs of frequency
Critical Thinking: using an idea map to organize ideas
Grammar for Writing: Simple sentences 2: objects and extra information -- prepositional phrases
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: organizing sentences into a paragraph -- RHETORICAL MODE: descriptive
Writing Task: Describe a festival or special event (paragraph)
On Campus: Life Skill: cultural exchange Unit 3 THE INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY (Academic Disciplines: Computer Science / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Predictive Advertising
Readings: 1. Someone's Always Watching You Online (Web article), 2. Video Games for Kids: Win or Lose? (essay)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Reading for main ideas - Making inferences -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key
vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for details -- Recognizing text type -- Synthesizing Language Development: Compound nouns -- Giving opinions
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a question
Grammar for Writing: Connecting ideas: And also, and too -- Compound sentences -- However Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Topic sentences -- RHETORICAL MODE: Opinion
Writing Task: The Internet wastes our time. It does not help us do more work. Do you agree or disagree? (paragraph)
On Campus: Study Skill: The virtual classroom Unit 4 WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academic Disciplines: Environmental Studies / Meteorology)
Watch and Listen: Tornadoes
Readings: 1. Extreme Weather (profile), 2. Surviving the Sea of Sand: How to Stay Alive in the Sahara Desert (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Reading for details -- Using you knowledge to predict content -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Reading for main ideas -- Recognizing text type -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Collocations with temperature -- Describing a graph
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a graph
Grammar for Writing: Comparative and superlative adjectives
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Supporting sentences -- Giving examples -- RHETORICAL MODE: Descriptive
Writing Task: Describe the weather in a country
On Campus: Life Skill: Seeing a doctor Unit 5 SPORTS AND COMPETITION (Academic Disciplines: Sports Management / Sports Science)
Watch and Listen: Skiing in the French Alps
Readings: 1. Five Unusual Sports (article), 2. Tough Guy: A Race to the Limit (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Scanning to predict context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Previewing -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Recognizing text types -- Understanding discourse -- Working out meaning -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Prepositions of movement Critical Thinking: Analyzing a diagram
Grammar for Writing: Subject and verb agreement
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Ordering events in a process -- Removing unrelated information -- RHETORICAL MODE: Process
Writing Task: Describe the Sydney Triathlon. (paragraph)
On Campus: Communication Skill: Virtual communication Unit 6 BUSINESS (Academic Disciplines: Business / Marketing)
Watch and Listen: Amazon's Fulfillment Center
Readings: 1. Are You Ready for the World of Work?, 2. The Story of Google (article)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Working out meaning from context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading main ideas -- Reading for details -- Identifying audience -- Making inferences -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Collocations, with business -- Business vocabulary
Critical Thinking: Using a timeline to put past events in order
Grammar for Writing: The simple present and the simple past -- Time clauses with when to describe past events
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Adding details to main facts -- RHETORICAL MODE: Narrative
Writing Task: Write about the history of a business. (paragraph)
On Campus: Study Skill: Creating checklists Unit 7 PEOPLE (Academic Disciplines: Psychology / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: The 101-Year-Old Weather Volunteer
Readings: 1. Incredible People: Ben Underwood (blog post), 2. Incredible People (blog posts)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Making inferences -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Working out meaning -- Identifying purpose -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Noun phrases with of -- Adjectives to describe people
Critical Thinking: Using a Venn diagram
Grammar for Writing: Modals of necessity
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Concluding sentences -- RHETORICAL MODE: Explanatory
Writing Task: Who do you think is a good role model? Write a paragraph explaining the qualities that make that person a good role model. (paragraph)
On Campus: Communication Skill: Expressing your opinion Unit 8 THE UNIVERSE (Academic Disciplines: Astronomy / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Going to the International Space Station
Readings: 1. The Rise of Commercial Space Travel (article), 2. Life on Other Planets (essay)
Reading Skills: KEY SKILL: Identifying the author's purpose -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Using your knowledge -- Scanning to predict content -- Reading for main ideas -- Reading for details -- Making inferences -- Distinguishing fact from opinion -- Synthesizing
Language Development: Giving evidence and supporting an argument
Critical Thinking: Evaluating arguments
Grammar for Writing: That clauses in complex sentences -- Infinitives of purpose
Writing: ACADEMIC WRITING SKILL: Essay organization -- RHETORICAL MODE: Opinion
Writing Task: Should governments spend more money on space exploration? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. (essay)
On Campus: Research Skill: Using the library
"Paired skills course focusing on critical thinking, academic skills, and language students need most. Prism is a five-level (A1 to C1), American English paired-skills course (Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking), created for students who need to develop a range of academic skills. This Level 4 (C1) Listening and Speaking Student's Book prepares students for college classes by developing their listening, speaking, critical thinking, and pronunciation skills, including pronunciation for listening. Special sections teach how to be a successful college student, and the accompanying video program sets the stage for each unit's topic. Inside the book is a single-use code for the online workbook. This provides automatically graded extra practice and works on PCs and Macs." (Publisher's Website)
9781316624272 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 1316624277 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 9781316625088 (Teacher's Manual)
English language--Study and teaching.--Textbooks for foreign speakers
Reading comprehension--Study and teaching.
English language--Written English.
A2 (CEFR).