Dimond-Bayir, Stephanie
Prism Listening and Speaking 1 / Prism, Listening and speaking, Level 1, Student workbook Listening and speaking (Prism), Level 1, Student workbook Stephanie Dimond-Bayir and Kimberly Russell, with Angela Blackwell and Carolyn Flores ; Jeanne Lambert (Teacher's Manual). - New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. - 223 p. ; col. ill., charts : 26 cm + Teacher's Manual (88 p. ; 26 cm.) - Prism .
Includes online workbook activation code.
Unit 1 PLACES (Academic Disciplines: Sociology / Urban Planning) Watch and Listen: The Grand Canal
Listenings: 1. A podcast about homes around the world -- 2. A profile of Stanley Park in Vancouver
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Predicting content using visuals -- Distinguishing fact from opinion -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Vowel sounds /eɪ/, /ɑ/, /ɪ/, /ʌ/
Language Development: Review of the simple past -- Descriptive adjectives
Critical Thinking: Planning a presentation -- Evaluating opinions
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Signposting an opinion - Organizing information for a presentation -- PRONUNCIATION: Connecting speech
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about an interesting place
On Campus: LIFE SKILL: Campus resources Unit 2 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS (Academic Disciplines: Anthropology / Cultural Studies / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: Harbin's Ice Festival
Listenings: 1. Interviews about three cultural festivals -- 2.. A discussion about Thanksgiving in the U.S. and Canada
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Taking notes - Listening for main ideas -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Predicting content using visuals - Listening for details - Recognizing examples - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Word stress
Language Development: Gerunds and infinitives -- Collocations with go to, take, and have
Critical Thinking: Organizing ideas -- Analyzing and evaluating options
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Making suggestions -- Agreeing and disagreeing
Speaking Task: Choose a group of events from a festival and persuade your group to go to them
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Starting and continuing a conversation Unit 3 THE INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY (Academic Disciplines: Computer Science / Engineering) Watch and Listen: Fiber Optic Cables
Listenings: 1. A student radio program about developments in robotics -- 2. A news report about how computers affect memory
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for reasons -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Predicting content using visuals -- Listening for main ideas -- Listening for details -- Taking notes -- Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Consonant sounds /s/, /ʃ/, /ʈʃ/ -- Strong /æ/ and weak /ə/
Language Development: Can / be able to -- Vocabulary for technology
Critical Thinking: Evaluating and categorizing advantages and disadvantages
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Giving additional and contrasting information
Speaking Task: Present a report about a device or technology
On Campus: STUDY SKILL: Technology for learning Unit 4 WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academic Disciplines: Ecology / Environmental Studies / Psychology) Watch and Listen: The Impact of Oceans on Climate
Listenings: 1. A student discussion on how weather affects people's moods -- 2. A news report on global warming and its effects on rainforests
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Predicting ideas from research -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Rising and falling intonation -- Vowel sounds /ɑ/ and /oʊ/
Language Development: Verb collocations -- Future forms
Critical Thinking: Evaluating effects
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Linking words to explain cause and effect
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about changes in the climate
On Campus: LIFE SKILL: Managing your time Unit 5 SPORTS AND COMPETITION (Academic Disciplines: Sports Management / Sports Science) Watch and Listen: Kasparov versus Deep Blue
Listenings: 1. A student presentation on unusual sports -- 2. A discussion about money in sports
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for bias - Supporting opinions -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Listening for opinion - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Making corrections
Language Development: Factual and future real conditionals -- Adverbs of degree
Critical Thinking: Analyzing reasons and supporting evidence -- Using a persuasion map
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Presenting a point - Asking for and giving clarification
Speaking Task: Have a discussion about money in sports. Discuss reasons for and against athletes being paid extremely large amounts of money.
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Asking for information Unit 6 BUSINESS (Academic Disciplines: Business / Marketing)
Watch and Listen: Food at Coffee Shops
Listenings: 1. A conversation between a business student and a professor about a project -- 2. A conversation between a business owner and a consultant
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for numbers -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Listening for details - Listening for reaction - Making inferences - Taking notes -- Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Pronouncing numbers
Language Development: Comparatives and superlatives -- Phrasal verbs
Critical Thinking: Using problems and solution charts -- Analyzing and evaluating problems and possible solutions
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILL: Giving advice
Speaking Task: Give advice to a failing business.
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Working in groups Unit 7 PEOPLE (Academic Disciplines: Psychology / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: Trash Artists
Listenings: 1. A student presentation on creative people -- 2. A student conversation about a project
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for attitude -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening; Intonation for emotion and interest
Language Development: Vocabulary for problems and solutions -- Future unreal conditionals
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a problem -- Evaluating possible solutions to a problem -- Using a problem and solution chart Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Turn-taking -- Showing levels of agreement
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about a remarkable person and his or her work.
On Campus: PRESENTATION SKILL: Giving presentations Unit 8 THE UNIVERSE (Academic Disciplines: Astronomy / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Empire of the Sun
Listenings: 1. A radio program about space travel -- 2. A discussion on funding for space exploration
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Understanding meaning from context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for details - Listening to an introduction - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Words with easily confused sounds
Language Development: Vocabulary for problems and solutions -- Future unreal conditionals Critical Thinking: Analyzing a problem -- Evaluating possible solutions to a problem -- Using a problem and solution chart
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Turn-taking -- Showing levels of agreement
Speaking Task: Discuss how to get children interested in space exploration.
On Campus: STUDY SKILL: Reviewing for exams
"Paired skills course focusing on critical thinking, academic skills, and language students need most. Prism is a five-level (A1 to C1), American English paired-skills course (Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking), created for students who need to develop a range of academic skills. This Level 4 (C1) Listening and Speaking Student's Book prepares students for college classes by developing their listening, speaking, critical thinking, and pronunciation skills, including pronunciation for listening. Special sections teach how to be a successful college student, and the accompanying video program sets the stage for each unit's topic. Inside the book is a single-use code for the online workbook. This provides automatically graded extra practice and works on PCs and Macs." (Publisher's Website)
9781316620946 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 1316620948 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 9781316625118 (Teacher's Manual)
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
Listening comprehension.
English language--Spoken English.
English language.
English language--Spoken English.
Listening comprehension.
A2 (CEFR).
Prism Listening and Speaking 1 / Prism, Listening and speaking, Level 1, Student workbook Listening and speaking (Prism), Level 1, Student workbook Stephanie Dimond-Bayir and Kimberly Russell, with Angela Blackwell and Carolyn Flores ; Jeanne Lambert (Teacher's Manual). - New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2017. - 223 p. ; col. ill., charts : 26 cm + Teacher's Manual (88 p. ; 26 cm.) - Prism .
Includes online workbook activation code.
Unit 1 PLACES (Academic Disciplines: Sociology / Urban Planning) Watch and Listen: The Grand Canal
Listenings: 1. A podcast about homes around the world -- 2. A profile of Stanley Park in Vancouver
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Predicting content using visuals -- Distinguishing fact from opinion -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Vowel sounds /eɪ/, /ɑ/, /ɪ/, /ʌ/
Language Development: Review of the simple past -- Descriptive adjectives
Critical Thinking: Planning a presentation -- Evaluating opinions
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Signposting an opinion - Organizing information for a presentation -- PRONUNCIATION: Connecting speech
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about an interesting place
On Campus: LIFE SKILL: Campus resources Unit 2 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS (Academic Disciplines: Anthropology / Cultural Studies / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: Harbin's Ice Festival
Listenings: 1. Interviews about three cultural festivals -- 2.. A discussion about Thanksgiving in the U.S. and Canada
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Taking notes - Listening for main ideas -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary -- Predicting content using visuals - Listening for details - Recognizing examples - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Word stress
Language Development: Gerunds and infinitives -- Collocations with go to, take, and have
Critical Thinking: Organizing ideas -- Analyzing and evaluating options
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Making suggestions -- Agreeing and disagreeing
Speaking Task: Choose a group of events from a festival and persuade your group to go to them
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Starting and continuing a conversation Unit 3 THE INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY (Academic Disciplines: Computer Science / Engineering) Watch and Listen: Fiber Optic Cables
Listenings: 1. A student radio program about developments in robotics -- 2. A news report about how computers affect memory
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for reasons -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Predicting content using visuals -- Listening for main ideas -- Listening for details -- Taking notes -- Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Consonant sounds /s/, /ʃ/, /ʈʃ/ -- Strong /æ/ and weak /ə/
Language Development: Can / be able to -- Vocabulary for technology
Critical Thinking: Evaluating and categorizing advantages and disadvantages
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Giving additional and contrasting information
Speaking Task: Present a report about a device or technology
On Campus: STUDY SKILL: Technology for learning Unit 4 WEATHER AND CLIMATE (Academic Disciplines: Ecology / Environmental Studies / Psychology) Watch and Listen: The Impact of Oceans on Climate
Listenings: 1. A student discussion on how weather affects people's moods -- 2. A news report on global warming and its effects on rainforests
Listening Skills: KEY SKILLS: Predicting ideas from research -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Rising and falling intonation -- Vowel sounds /ɑ/ and /oʊ/
Language Development: Verb collocations -- Future forms
Critical Thinking: Evaluating effects
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Linking words to explain cause and effect
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about changes in the climate
On Campus: LIFE SKILL: Managing your time Unit 5 SPORTS AND COMPETITION (Academic Disciplines: Sports Management / Sports Science) Watch and Listen: Kasparov versus Deep Blue
Listenings: 1. A student presentation on unusual sports -- 2. A discussion about money in sports
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for bias - Supporting opinions -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Listening for opinion - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Making corrections
Language Development: Factual and future real conditionals -- Adverbs of degree
Critical Thinking: Analyzing reasons and supporting evidence -- Using a persuasion map
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Presenting a point - Asking for and giving clarification
Speaking Task: Have a discussion about money in sports. Discuss reasons for and against athletes being paid extremely large amounts of money.
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Asking for information Unit 6 BUSINESS (Academic Disciplines: Business / Marketing)
Watch and Listen: Food at Coffee Shops
Listenings: 1. A conversation between a business student and a professor about a project -- 2. A conversation between a business owner and a consultant
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for numbers -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Listening for details - Listening for reaction - Making inferences - Taking notes -- Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Pronouncing numbers
Language Development: Comparatives and superlatives -- Phrasal verbs
Critical Thinking: Using problems and solution charts -- Analyzing and evaluating problems and possible solutions
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILL: Giving advice
Speaking Task: Give advice to a failing business.
On Campus: COMMUNICATION SKILL: Working in groups Unit 7 PEOPLE (Academic Disciplines: Psychology / Sociology)
Watch and Listen: Trash Artists
Listenings: 1. A student presentation on creative people -- 2. A student conversation about a project
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Listening for attitude -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Using your knowledge - Listening for main ideas - Listening for details - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening; Intonation for emotion and interest
Language Development: Vocabulary for problems and solutions -- Future unreal conditionals
Critical Thinking: Analyzing a problem -- Evaluating possible solutions to a problem -- Using a problem and solution chart Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Turn-taking -- Showing levels of agreement
Speaking Task: Give a presentation about a remarkable person and his or her work.
On Campus: PRESENTATION SKILL: Giving presentations Unit 8 THE UNIVERSE (Academic Disciplines: Astronomy / Engineering)
Watch and Listen: Empire of the Sun
Listenings: 1. A radio program about space travel -- 2. A discussion on funding for space exploration
Listening Skills: KEY SKILL: Understanding meaning from context -- ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Understanding key vocabulary - Predicting content using visuals - Listening for details - Listening to an introduction - Taking notes - Synthesizing
Pronunciation for Listening: Words with easily confused sounds
Language Development: Vocabulary for problems and solutions -- Future unreal conditionals Critical Thinking: Analyzing a problem -- Evaluating possible solutions to a problem -- Using a problem and solution chart
Speaking: SPEAKING SKILLS: Turn-taking -- Showing levels of agreement
Speaking Task: Discuss how to get children interested in space exploration.
On Campus: STUDY SKILL: Reviewing for exams
"Paired skills course focusing on critical thinking, academic skills, and language students need most. Prism is a five-level (A1 to C1), American English paired-skills course (Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking), created for students who need to develop a range of academic skills. This Level 4 (C1) Listening and Speaking Student's Book prepares students for college classes by developing their listening, speaking, critical thinking, and pronunciation skills, including pronunciation for listening. Special sections teach how to be a successful college student, and the accompanying video program sets the stage for each unit's topic. Inside the book is a single-use code for the online workbook. This provides automatically graded extra practice and works on PCs and Macs." (Publisher's Website)
9781316620946 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 1316620948 (Student Book with Online Workbook) 9781316625118 (Teacher's Manual)
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
Listening comprehension.
English language--Spoken English.
English language.
English language--Spoken English.
Listening comprehension.
A2 (CEFR).