Recipes for Tired Teachers : Well-Seasoned Activities for the ESOL Classroom / ed. by Christopher Sion. - Reading, MA ; Don Mill, ON : Addison-Wesley Pub., 1985. - xii, 115 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

"Contributed by teachers associated with Pilgrims Language Courses, Canterbury, England".

TABLE OF RECIPES Including title, author, suggested level, approximate time, and materials needed. Language functions are in italics. General comments are in parenthesis. Unit 1: Group Dynamics 1-1 You Are What You Will Sonia Taylor. Intermediate and above. 30-60 minutes. Materials: None. Imagining; asking and answering questions. (Appreciating ambiguity: So you're a shoe? Are you worn out?) 1.2 Neighbors John Morgan. Intermediate and above. 50 minutes. Materials: None. Describing; Imagining. (Group building, skit; portrayal of character.) 1.3 Lying: an Icebreaker Malachy Mulholland. Low Intermediate and above. 30-40 minutes. Materials: None. Disguising the truth; exchanging and comparing personal information. (Getting to know you.) 1.4 Am I Lying? Joan Hewitt and Christopher Sion. Intermediate and above. 20-30 minutes. Materials: Pictures. Asking questions; evaluating content; telling or disguising the truth. (Critical awareness - can I fool you?) 1.5 Information Extraction William Atkinson. Intermediate. 20-30 minutes. Materials: None. Asking questions. (Getting to know you.) 1.6 Personality Test Carlos Maeztu. Intermediate and above. 30-40 minutes. Materials: grid with drawings. Interpreting visual stimuli; discussing personal perception. (Personal Awareness.) 1.7 The Last Time: An Encounter Christopher Sion. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Materials: None. Exchanging and comparing personal information. (Getting to know you better.) 1.8 We'll answer for You
Mario Rinvolucri. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Materials: none. Asking and answering personal questions. (Psychodrama, deepening awareness.)
1.9 Discussion Tactic
Joan Hewitt. Intermediate and above. 45 minutes. Materials: copies of cartoon figures from text. Discussing; justifying; expressing opinions and feelings. (Feedback for teacher, role playing.)
1.10 Is It Really Important
John Morgan. Low intermediate and above. 30-40 minutes. Materials: none. Comparing ideas; justifying decisions. (Awareness.)
1.11 Feelings and Pictures
Marjorie Baudains. High intermediate and above. 60 minutes. Materials: reproduction or slides of famous paintings, projector and screen (if slides used). Expressing, describing, discussing feeling. (Art and awareness.)
1.12 Intuiting a Picture
Randal Holme. Advanced. 30 minutes. Materials: picture with emotive content. Expressing feelings, describing. (Art, imagination, and awareness.)
1.13 Picking a Picture
David Hill. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes. Materials: 20-30 reproductions of a wide range of pictures. Expressing feelings; explaining; justifying. (Art and awareness.)
Unit 2: Creative Writing and Thinking
2.1 Identification Parade
Sandra Moulding. Low intermediate and above. 20-30 minutes. Materials: portraits from magazines, drawing paper. Describing; identifying. (Detective work.)
2.2 Character Wheel
Lou Spaventa. Low intermediate and above. 40 minutes. Materials: small mounted pictures of people. Imagining; narrative. (Controlled creative writing.)
2.3 Impressionistic Writing from Pictures
Don Salter. Low intermediate and above. 45 minutes. Materials: emotion-packed picture. Expressing feelings; writing poetry. (Bringing emotion into creative writing.)
2.4 Advertisements.
Lou Spaventa. Low intermediate and above. 15-30 minutes. Materials: advertisements; pictures; advertising slogans; cassette recorder. Persuading. (Register work, phrasing, rhythm, intonation.)
2.5 Imaging
Christopher Sion. Intermediate and above. 30 minutes. Materials: small objects. Making suggestions and associations. (Fostering creativity, divergent thinking.)
2.6 Anecdote Analysis
Mike Perry. Low intermediate and above. 30 minutes each of two days. Materials: none. Narrating; combining items of information. (Story writing with follow-up.)
2.7 Do-It-Yourself Comprehension
Jean-Paul Creton. Intermediate and above 30 minutes. Materials: none. Narrating; answering questions. (Imaginative writing of a short passage.)
2.8 What Should We Talk About?
Chris Mills. Low intermediate and above. 40-50 minutes one day, 20-30 second day. Materials: none. Exchanging ideas; reporting; narrating. (Student-centered course planning; conversation)
Unit 3: Reading and Writing
3.1 Headlines
Chris Smith. Intermediate and above. 50 minutes. Materials: newspaper articles; headlines from these cut into single words. Interpreting and suggesting. (Sentence building; news story writing.)
3.2 Dear Ann Landers
Mike Levy. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Materials: letters and replies from a personal advice column. Discussing problems and solutions; writing letters. (What I'd advise you.)
3.3 Handwriting
Cynthia Beresford. Intermediate. 30-45 minutes. Materials: two letters written in different scripts; pictures of people. Speculating; describing; comparing. (Creative correspondence; graphology.)
3.4 Telegrams
Marjorie Boudains. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes. Materials: examples of telegrams. Sending and interpreting messages; writing letters; using the telephone. (Form of communication.)
3.5 Extensive Reading
Paul Cammack. Advanced. 40 minutes. Materials: a newspaper. Extracting information from written texts; scanning; asking and answering questions. (Rapid reading practice.)
3.6 Appreciating Advertisements
David Hill. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes. Materials: old magazines. Explaining and justifying choices; describing. (Awareness of advertising copy and design.)
3.7 Ambiguity in Advertising: Verbal and Non-Verbal Language
Chris Mills. Intermediate and above. 45 minutes. Materials: magazines with advertisements or advertisements cut from magazines. Detecting ambiguity; interpreting figurative language and non-verbal graphic cues; recognizing connotative and denotative meaning. (Awareness of the details of advertisements; how an advertisement is made appealing.)
3.8 The Misuse of Words: A Syntax Exercise
Marjorie Baudains. Advanced. 60 minutes. Materials: Newspapers or magazines. Appreciating syntax. (Challenging!) Unit 4: Listening
4.1 Graphic Experiences
Jane Lockwood. High intermediate and above. 45-60 minutes. Materials: cassette recorder, taped dialogue; or short video sequence, video recorder, and monitor. Identifying emotions. (Awareness of the emotional content of a dialogue.)
4.2 Inner Listening
Lou Spaventa. Intermediate and above. 30 minutes. Materials: taped piece of music, cassette recorder. Making associations; narrating; asking questions. (Creative listening.)
4.3 Unintentional Listening
Christopher Sion. All levels. 20-30 minutes. Materials: taped song, copies of song written line-for-line on cardboard strips, cassette recorder. Combining items of information. (Subceptive listening.)
4.4 The Unhappy Housewife: Expanding on Songs
David Sanders. Intermediate. 30-60 minutes. Materials: suitable taped song, cassette recorder. Narrating; describing; comparing. (How to get a lot out of a song.)
4.5 My Leader Is Brave
Mike Lavery and Ian Butcher. Intermediate. 15 minutes. Materials: none. Asking questions. (Intriguing; listening to discover a hidden system.)
4.6 Sounds Different
Mike Levy. Intermediate. 20-30 minutes. Materials: cards with a word on side, a picture on the other. Identifying and practicing sound. (Pronunciation practice.)
4.7 Extensive/Intensive Learning
Frances Krish. Low intermediate and above. 30-40 minutes. Materials: two copies of a recording of a new items, two cassette recorders; if possible, two rooms. Asking and answering factual questions. (Purposeful listening.)
4.8 Aural comprehension
Sonia Taylor. Intermediate and above. 40 minutes. Materials: short taped text or dialogue, cassette recorder. Notetaking. (Active listening, notetaking practice.)
4.9 Quote into Context: Notetaking and a Story
John Overton. Low intermediate and above. 40 minutes. Materials: story about two pages long. Notetaking. (Active listening.)
4.10 Are You Sitting Comfortably? Reading a Story to the Class
Mo Strangeman. Low intermediate and above. 20-40 minutes. Materials: none. Narrating; comparing. (Creative listening.)
4.11 Multiple Chinese Whispers
Randal Holme. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Materials: copies of stories from the text. Narrating; expressing disagreement. (Incredulous listening; great fun.)
4.12 Parallels
John Morgan. Intermediate. 40 minutes. Materials: copies of information from text. Sharing and summarizing information. (Intriguing listening, practicing stress.)
Unit 5: Role Playing
5.1 Students for Sale
Nancy Osmond. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: advertising slogans. Giving information; persuading. (Marketing; selling yourself and your partner.)
5.2 Creating identities: An Input Activity
John Overton. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes. Materials: cards with key phrases, a large room with furniture that can be moved around. Exchanging and comparing personal information; narrating. (Structural input with a territorial dimension.)
5.3 An Improvised Role Play

Richard Baudains. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: none. Asking and answering questions. (Creating a person!)
5.4 The Open-Ended Interview
John Pint. Low intermediate and above. 5-20 minutes. Materials: none. Asking and answering questions. (Building on a story.)
5.5 Little Johnny's Accident
Jim Brims. Intermediate. 60 minutes. Materials: overhead projector, transparency copies of figures from text. Narrating; justifying; answering questions. (Generates an element of the confusion and uncertainty of a real accident.)
5.6 The Courtroom Role Play
David Hill. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes or longer. Materials: copies of court cases and possible sentences. Making and justifying decisions. (Primarily for the legally minded, but also of general interest.)
5.7 Political Campaigns
Sonia Taylor. Intermediate. 45-60 minutes. Materials: none. Discussing and presenting promises and intentions. (Materials for the future.)
Unit 6: Structures and Functions
6.1 Introductions
Chris Mills. Low intermediate and above. 45 minutes. Materials: labels or name tags. Introducing; interrupting. (Making contact.)
6.2 Making Appointments
Derek Risley. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: copies of an appointment book page from text. Making appointments, socializing. (Particularly useful for business courses.)
6.3 Telephone Conversation
William Atkinson. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: none. Socializing; exchanging information. (Practicing telephone calls, with an element of mime.)
6.4 Making requests
Allan Cunningsworth. Intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: tape recordings of common sounds, cassette recorder, pictures. Making requests; adapting language to social role. (Register work.)
6.5 Interrupting
Jim Brims. Intermediate and above. 15-30 minutes. Materials: copies of worksheets from text. Interrupting; countering interruptions. (Register work. Useful for people who have to attend meetings.)
6.6 Modal Drawings
Ian Butcher. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: none. Expressing (im)possibility, necessity, disbelief; making guesses and suppositions. (Creative structural practices with pictures.)
6.7 The First and Second Conditionals
Mike Levy. Intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: none. Expressing consequences under given conditions. (Structural practice and personal awareness.)
6.8 Grammar Review
Carlos Maetzu. Low intermediate and above. 10-20 minutes. Materials: none. Completing sentences; asking questions. (Quick structural review.)
6.9 Questions and Answers
Rick Haill. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Material: none. Asking questions. (Structural review, getting to know you.)
Unit 7: Vocabulary (Lexis)
7.1 Crosswords
Mike Lavery. All levels. 25 minutes. Materials: none. Making Associations. (Vocabulary recycling.)
7.2 Vocabulary Review Christine Frank. Intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: small cards. Making associations. (Vocabulary recycling, sentence writing practice.)
7.3 Confused Words Rick Haill. Intermediate and above. 50-60 minutes. Materials: slips of paper with frequently confused words.Identifying and contrasting vocabulary. (Be prepared to explain the difference between pairs of words such as ''error'' and ''fault''.)
7.4 The Cut-Out Bedroom
Diane Fitton. Intermediate. 45-60 minutes. Materials: large pieces of paper, cutouts, felt pens, scissors. Expressing spatial relations; describing. (Interior decorating.)
7.5 Practicing Phrasal Verbs
Katya Benjamin. Intermediate and above. 60-90 minutes. Materials: none. Practicing phrasal (two-word) verbs. (Phrasal verbs with an element of mime.)
7.6 Signs
Richard Baudains. Low intermediate to intermediate. 30 minutes. Materials: none. Interpreting signs. (Looking at sings through mime and drama.)
7.7 Vocabulary Expansion
Mario Rinvolucri. Intermediate. 45 minutes. Materials: large sheets of paper, felt pens. Categorizing vocabulary. (Finding multiple categories for courtroom words.)
7.8 Verbs in Motion
Rick Haill. Intermediate and above. 15 minutes on each of two days. Materials: selection of verbs of motion with illustrations. Describing movement. (Nobody will be left unmoved.)
7.9 More About Verbs in Motion
Alison Haill. Intermediate and above. 60 minutes one day, 45 seconds day. Materials: cards with verbs on them. Describing movement. (Follow-up to VII-8.)
Unit 8: Fun and Games
8.1 Picture Dialogue Games
Christine Frank. Low intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: large, clear pictures, each of two people talking. Writing dialogues. (Guessing game.)
8.2 Picture Question Game
Saxon Menné. Low intermediate to intermediate. 30-45 minutes. Materials: three detailed pictures from magazines. Asking and answering questions. (Memory game.)
8.3 Picture game Randal Holme. Beginners and above. 10-30 minutes. Materials: one or two pictures mounted on cardboard. Describing; asking questions; evaluating content. (Critical awareness.)
8.4 Guess the Object
Miranda Britt. Intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: cards or slips of paper with the name of objects. Describing. (Guessing game.)
8.5 Find the Owner Saxon Menné and Christine Frank. All levels. 20 minutes. Materials: large bag or box. Making guesses and suppositions; expressing (im)possibility and necessity. (Modal verb game.)
8.6 If I Were You
Ian Butcher. Intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: none. Speculating; expressing consequences. (''If I were you, I'd jump rope every day.'' What are you?)
8.7 Grammar Game
Marjorie Baudains. Low intermediate and above. 20 minutes. Materials: none. Appreciating grammar. (Review of structures.)
8.8 Grammar Snakes and Ladders
Mario Rinvolucri. All levels. 35 minutes. Materials: copies of playing board and rules from text, dice, counters. Asking questions (or other, depending on board design) (Review of structures in board-game form.)
8.9 Throw a Conversation
Christine Frank. High intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: one die per group of seven students. Discussing a predetermined subject. (Challenging: dice throws determine subject, participants, tone, length of conversation.)
8.10 Blind Man's Buff
Joanna Sancha. Beginners to intermediate. 20 minutes. Materials: blindfolds, large room with movable furniture. Giving instructions. (A trust game also good for listening and work on spatial relationships.)
8.11 Island Game
Randal Holme. Intermediate. 30-50 minutes. Materials: copies of outline map with location grid from text. Comparing and justifying decisions; exchanging information. (Design an island and describe it.)
8.12 Inverted Science Tree
Peter Schimkus. Low intermediate and above. 15-30 minutes. Materials: none. Writing sentences. (Sentence construction game.)
8.13 Generating Expressions
Christopher Sion. Low intermediate and above. 5-10 minutes. Materials: none. Idiomatic expressions. (Bizarre; good to wake up a tired class.)
8.14 Riddle Scramble
Heidi Yorkshire. Low intermediate and above. 10 minutes. Materials: small cards with riddles written on them. Analyzing and combining questions and answers. (Intensive reading; great fun.) 8.15 You Had a Dream
Christopher Sion. Low intermediate and above. 15-30 minutes. Asking questions. (Why was the man handsome although he wasn't good looking?)

"Spice up your lessons with these creative activities used by ESL/EFL teachers around the world. Recipes for Tired Teachers offers 81 classroom proven strategies to build or reinforce language skills at any learning level. Favorite recipes include: role play simulations, group dynamic activities, creative exercises, imaginative conversation topics, Listening activities, fun and games. Recipes for Tired Teachers encourages good teachers, like good cooks, to add their own special flavouring to each activity. Its practical, easy to follow recipes are guaranteed to enliven any class, at any age or learning level." (Book cover)

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English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.
English language--Study and teaching--Problems, exercises, etc.

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