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Language Planning and Student Experiences : Intention, Rhetoric and Implementation / Joseph Lo Bianco and Renata Aliani.

By: Lo Bianco, Joseph.
Contributor(s): Aliani, Renata.
Series: Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2013Edition: 1st ed.Description: xv, 147 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.ISBN: 9781783090037 (pbk).Subject(s): Language planning | Education, Bilingual | Language policy | Literacy -- Government policy | Bilingualism | Linguistic minoritiesOnline resources: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog.
1. Remaking a Nation Through Language Policy
[1.1] Introduction: Texts, Debate, Behaviour [1.1.1] Intention, interpretation, implementation
[1.2] Problem of English and Global Communication [1.2.1] The party politics of Australian language planning
[1.3] Official Texts (Intention) (1) National Statement and Plan for Languages -- (2) National Indigenous Languages Policy -- (3) National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program (NALSSP) -- [1.3.4] The relationship between the three language policy declarations -- [1.3.5] National curriculum (2013)
[1.4] Public Debate (Interpretation)
[1.5] Prime Ministerial Visions for New Australias [1.5.1] Visioning and agitating
[1.6] Italian and Japanese
2. Australia's Italian and Japanese
[2.1] Reprise
[2.2] Who Studies Which Languages? [2.2.1] Geography, economy, demography
[2.3] Enter Italian and Japanese [2.3.1] The place of Italian -- [2.3.2] The place of Japanese -- [2.3.3] Post-war migration
[2.4] Language Policy on Italian and Japanese
[2.5] Italian and Japanese Diasporas
[2.6] Victoria
3. Research Approach and the Schools
[3.1] The Setting
[3.2] Aims of the Research
[3.3] Research Methodology [3.3.1] Diachronic research -- [3.3.2] Synchronic (intensive) research: Focus groups and Q-methodology
[3.4] Overview of the Study [3.4.1] Language teachers, a key element -- [3.4.2] Languages in the school curriculum -- [3.4.3] Languages in the community -- [3.4.4] Languages and student motivation -- [3.4.5] Students' views and perceptions of languages
4. Student Subjectivity
[4.1] Focus Groups [4.1.1] Context -- [4.1.2] Students and language groups -- [4.1.3] Languages and learning -- [4.1.4] Planning for the future -- [4.1.5] General reflections on the language programme -- [4.1.6] Improving the language programme -- [4.1.7] Specific likes and dislikes -- [4.1.8] Timetabling -- [4.1.9] Top or preferred subjects -- [4.1.10] Why learn a language?
[4.2] Q-Study [4.2.1] Methodology and context -- [4.2.2] Sorts and perspectives - Italian -- [4.2.3] Differences between perspectives - Italian -- [4.2.4] Sorts and perspectives - Japanese -- [4.2.5] Differences between perspectives - Japanese
[4.3] General Observations from the Data
5. Pushing Policy To Be Real
Appendices Appendix 1: Q-Statements, Italian -- Appendix 2: Q-Statements, Japanese
Summary: "This book is a timely comparison of the divergent worlds of policy implementation and policy ambition, the messy, often contradictory here-and-now reality of languages in schools and the sharp-edged, shiny, future-oriented representation of languages in policy. Two deep rooted tendencies in Australian political and social life, multiculturalism and Asian regionalism, are represented as key phases in the country’s experimentation with language education planning. Presenting data from a five year ethnographic study combined with a 40 year span of policy analysis, this volume is a rare book length treatment of the chasm between imagined policy and its experienced delivery, and will provide insights that policymakers around the world can draw on.'' (Book Cover)
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Volume 93 in the Bilingual Education and Bilingualism series.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Remaking a Nation Through Language Policy

[1.1] Introduction: Texts, Debate, Behaviour
[1.1.1] Intention, interpretation, implementation

[1.2] Problem of English and Global Communication
[1.2.1] The party politics of Australian language planning

[1.3] Official Texts (Intention)
(1) National Statement and Plan for Languages -- (2) National Indigenous Languages Policy -- (3) National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program (NALSSP) -- [1.3.4] The relationship between the three language policy declarations -- [1.3.5] National curriculum (2013)

[1.4] Public Debate (Interpretation)

[1.5] Prime Ministerial Visions for New Australias
[1.5.1] Visioning and agitating

[1.6] Italian and Japanese

2. Australia's Italian and Japanese

[2.1] Reprise

[2.2] Who Studies Which Languages?
[2.2.1] Geography, economy, demography

[2.3] Enter Italian and Japanese
[2.3.1] The place of Italian -- [2.3.2] The place of Japanese -- [2.3.3] Post-war migration

[2.4] Language Policy on Italian and Japanese

[2.5] Italian and Japanese Diasporas

[2.6] Victoria

3. Research Approach and the Schools

[3.1] The Setting

[3.2] Aims of the Research

[3.3] Research Methodology
[3.3.1] Diachronic research -- [3.3.2] Synchronic (intensive) research: Focus groups and Q-methodology

[3.4] Overview of the Study [3.4.1] Language teachers, a key element -- [3.4.2] Languages in the school curriculum -- [3.4.3] Languages in the community -- [3.4.4] Languages and student motivation -- [3.4.5] Students' views and perceptions of languages

4. Student Subjectivity

[4.1] Focus Groups
[4.1.1] Context -- [4.1.2] Students and language groups -- [4.1.3] Languages and learning -- [4.1.4] Planning for the future -- [4.1.5] General reflections on the language programme -- [4.1.6] Improving the language programme -- [4.1.7] Specific likes and dislikes -- [4.1.8] Timetabling -- [4.1.9] Top or preferred subjects -- [4.1.10] Why learn a language?

[4.2] Q-Study [4.2.1] Methodology and context -- [4.2.2] Sorts and perspectives - Italian -- [4.2.3] Differences between perspectives - Italian -- [4.2.4] Sorts and perspectives - Japanese -- [4.2.5] Differences between perspectives - Japanese

[4.3] General Observations from the Data

5. Pushing Policy To Be Real

Appendix 1: Q-Statements, Italian -- Appendix 2: Q-Statements, Japanese



"This book is a timely comparison of the divergent worlds of policy implementation and policy ambition, the messy, often contradictory here-and-now reality of languages in schools and the sharp-edged, shiny, future-oriented representation of languages in policy. Two deep rooted tendencies in Australian political and social life, multiculturalism and Asian regionalism, are represented as key phases in the country’s experimentation with language education planning. Presenting data from a five year ethnographic study combined with a 40 year span of policy analysis, this volume is a rare book length treatment of the chasm between imagined policy and its experienced delivery, and will provide insights that policymakers around the world can draw on.'' (Book Cover)

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