
Your search returned 81 results.

1. Lexical Inferencing in a First and Second Language : Cross-linguistic Dimensions / Marjorie Bingham Wesche and T. Sima Paribakht.

by Bingham Wesche, Marjorie, 1941- | Paribakht, T. Sima.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2010Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (2).

2. Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning : Pedagogical Potential and Research Agenda / edited by Masatoshi Sato and Susan Ballinger.

by Sato, Masatoshi | Ballinger, Susan Gail | Universidad Andres Bello | McGill University.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SAT] (1).

3. Cross-Linguistic Influences in the Second Language Lexicon / edited by Janusz Arabski.

by Arabski, Janusz, 1939-.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2006Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

4. European Multilingualism : Current Perspectives and Challenges / Rosita Rindler Schjerve and Eva Vetter.

by Rindler Schjerve, Rosita, 1948- | Vetter, Eva, 1968-.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2012Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET RIN] (1).

5. First Language Use in Second and Foreign Language Learning / edited by Miles Turnbull and Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain.

by Turnbull, Miles | Dailey-O'Cain, Jennifer.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2009Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

6. The Handbook of Language Teaching / edited by Michael H. Long and Catherine J. Doughty.

by Long, Michael H | Doughty, Catherine.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET LON] (1).

7. Motivation and Second Language Acquisition : the Socio-Educational Model / Robert C. Gardner.

by Gardner, Robert C.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York. NY : Peter Lang, 2010Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalogue. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: BIL GAR] (1).

8. The Psychology of the Language Learner : Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition / Zoltán Dörnyei.

by Dörnyei, Zoltán | University of Nottingham.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the uOttawa Library catalogue. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: BIL DOR] (2).

9. Individual Learner Differences in SLA / edited by Janusz Arabski and Adam Wojtaszek.

by Arabski, Janusz, 1939- | Wojtaszek, Adam.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto : Multilingual Matters, 2011Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

10. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings / edited by Stella Hurd and Tim Lewis.

by Hurd, Stella | Lewis, Tim.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2008Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

11. Lexical Errors and Accuracy in Foreign Language Writing / Maria Pilar Agustin Llach.

by Agusten Llach, Maria Pilar.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2011Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

12. L2 Interactional Competence and Development / edited by Joan Kelly Hall, John Hellermann, and Simona Pekarek Doehler.

by Hall, Joan Kelly | Hellermann, John, 1963- | Doehler, Simona Pekarek.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto, ON : Multilingual Matters, 2011Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

13. Globalization and Language Teaching / edited by David Block and Deborah Cameron.

by Block, David, 1956- | Cameron, Deborah, 1958-.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York, NY : Routledge, 2002Online access: Publisher's Website. | Ebook (uOttawa login required). | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MUL BLO] (1).

14. Research Methods for Applied Language Studies / Keith Richards, Steven Ross, and Paul Seedhouse.

by Richards, Keith, 1952- | Ross, Steven, 1951- | Seedhouse, Paul.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York : Routledge, 2012Online access: Publisher's Website. | Companion Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: BIL RIC] (1).

15. Innovative Research and Practices in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism / edited by John W. Schwieter.

by Schwieter, John W, 1979- | Wilfrid Laurier University.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Philadelphia, PA : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: BIL SCH] (1).

16. Multilingualism, Citizenship, and Identity : Voices of Youth and Symbolic Investments in an Urban, Globalized World / Julie Byrd Clark.

by Clark, Julie Byrd.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: New York, NY : Continuum, 2009Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MUL CLA] (1).

17. Minority Populations in Canadian Second Language Education / edited by Katy Arnett and Callie Mady.

by Arnett, Katy | Mady, Callie.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto : Multilingual Matters, 2013Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET ARN] (1).

18. Second Language Pronunciation Assessment : Interdisciplinary Perspectives / edited by Talia Isaacs and Pavel Trofimovich.

by Isaacs, Talia | Trofimovich, Pavel.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Multilingual Matters, 2017Online access: Publisher's Website. | PDF & EPUB versions available for download. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

19. The Social Construction of Age : Adult Foreign Language Learners / Patricia Andrew.

by Andrew, Patricia.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto : Multilingual Matters, 2012Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

20. Input for Instructed L2 Learners : the Relevance of Relevance / Anna Niżegorodcew.

by Niżegorodcew, Anna.

Edition: 1st ed.Publisher: Toronto : Multilingual Matters, 2007Online access: Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog. Availability: Items available for loan: CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) [Call number: MET SLA] (1).

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